did you try running /sbin/ldconfig

also if that fails and there is no libc.so.6
but there is a libc.so

you can symlink libc.so.6 to libc.so

ln -s libc.so.6 libc.so

On Tuesday, January 13, 2004, at 02:15 PM, Jordi Humphreys wrote:

Hey folks,
Any mandrake users out there? Got a fellow who wants to do shell
dialup from his mandrake machine so we were going to install minicom. I
found the package that seemed appropriate to his system and went to
install it and it complained it didn't have the libc.so.6 or whatever
standard c libraries a system usually has. I checked and it does have
libc.so, so i'm a little suspicious by this error.
I suspect we're just trying to install the wrong package. We're both
not too hip to the ways of mandrake, any suggestions of where to get a
minicom that will intall? Any advice about using the mandrake installer in

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Metaphors for system administration -----------------------------------------------
bailing the titanic with paper cups: or polishing the deck chairs thereof
steering an iceberg with a broom: nonexciting challenges await you
capturing runaway bulldozers: once is chance, twice coincidence, ...

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