I wish I could have been at Hal's talk, but the snow
conspired to delay it until I was in the air on a trip to far away.

Ben Barrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 % Thanks John.  I'm not on the mwvlug list, but Cooper is the only one I ever
 % hear from about mwvlug, although I didn't see him at my first mwvlug meeting
 % (where Hal spoke).  Thanks for clarifying and confirming...
 %    Ben
 % On Fri, 13 Feb 2004 07:08:03 -0800
 % John Sechrest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 % | 
 % | Ben,
 % | 
 % |    MWVlug is the Corvallis area lug.
 % | 
 % |    We have been around for a long time. We used to be
 % |    the Next users group and morphed into linux users group.
 % | 
 % |    We have about 120 people on the list. 
 % | 
 % |    And cooper is just trying to be neighborly and keep
 % |    you in the loop of what he is doing.
 % | 
 % | 
 % | 
 % | Ben Barrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
 % | 
 % |  % Cool, but:
 % |  % 
 % |  % #1, our list is moderated
 % |  % #2, we have a searchable archive
 % |  % #3, What??  If you're claiming to be a "clearinghouse" for job listings
 % |  in% Willamette Valley, or even just in Corvallis, I think you have some
 % |  % *serious* competition.  And although personal networking is crucial to
 % |  us% all, it seems like you're actively advertising, I'd almost say,
 % |  "selling"% yourself here and it does seem (to me) like you're attempting
 % |  to further% fragment the community.
 % |  % 
 % |  % I'm curious, D., what is the mission statement of the MWV LUG, and is
 % |  anyone% else actively participating or is this primarily your own
 % |  venture?% Who else is involved?  Is MWVLUG incorporated or registered as
 % |  a nonprofit? % What is the relationship between gencom.us and mwvlug?
 % |  % 
 % |  % I can prolly find some answers to these questions on your site(s),
 % |  sorry,% but just about every announcement you've made reads TO ME as an
 % |  advert. It'd% be a nice plan, if that's what it is, but I think it is not
 % |  the spirit of% any LUG, even very very professional ones.  It's a User
 % |  Group, d'oh.% 
 % |  % Don't get me wrong, I think what you're doing is cool, but please don't
 % |  plan% to fragment our efforts!  I'd really like to see more
 % |  collaboration, even if% this message does not parse as such  = )
 % |  % 
 % |  % Thanks and be well,
 % |  % 
 % |  %    B.
 % |  % 
 % |  % 
 % |  % On 12 Feb 2004 09:09:56 -0800
 % |  % "D. Cooper Stevenson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 % |  % 
 % |  % | Hi, All!
 % |  % | 
 % |  % | MWVLUG forums are available online! Just click the "forums" link on
 % |  the% | left hand side of MWVLUG's web page, here:
 % |  % | 
 % |  % |   http://www.mwvlug.org/
 % |  % | 
 % |  % |   The following topics are available:
 % |  % |   Technical Q & A
 % |  % |   MWVLUG Business
 % |  % |   Activism
 % |  % |   Job Postings/Professionals Available
 % |  % | 
 % |  % | Why forums instead of the mailing list?
 % |  % | 
 % |  % |   1) Moderation: lower signal-to-noise ratio
 % |  % |   2) Longevity: Messages are stored indefinitely and may be
 % |  % | searched/retrieved at any time
 % |  % |   3) Centralized: You'll always know where to look for job postings,
 % |  % | etc.
 % |  % | 
 % |  % | The forums are backed up daily to ensure data integrity. The server
 % |  is% | physically housed in a secure facility. If you have other topics
 % |  you% | would like in the forums, please let me know. Likewise if you have
 % |  % | something you would like me to post. Moderator accounts are also
 % |  % | available.
 % |  % | 
 % |  % | I hope you enjoy it!
 % |  % | 
 % |  % | 
 % |  % | Best,
 % |  % | -- 
 % |  % | --------------------------------------------------------------
 % |  % | | Cooper Stevenson        | Em:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]            |
 % |  % | | General Computer        | Ph:  541.924.9434                |
 % |  % | | "Open For Business"     | Www: http://www.gencom.us        |
 % |  % | --------------------------------------------------------------
 % |  % | 
 % |  % | _______________________________________________
 % |  % | EuG-LUG mailing list
 % |  % | http://mailman.efn.org/cgi-bin/listinfo/eug-lug
 % |  % 
 % |  % 
 % |  % -- 
 % |  % _______________________________________________
 % |  % EuG-LUG mailing list
 % |  % http://mailman.efn.org/cgi-bin/listinfo/eug-lug
 % | 
 % | -----
 % | John Sechrest          .         Helping people use
 % |                         .           computers and the Internet
 % |                           .            more effectively
 % |                              .                      
 % |                                  .       Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 % |                                       .   
 % |                                               .
 % |                                               http://www.peak.org/~sechrest
 % | _______________________________________________
 % | EuG-LUG mailing list
 % | http://mailman.efn.org/cgi-bin/listinfo/eug-lug
 % -- 

John Sechrest          .         Helping people use
                        .           computers and the Internet
                          .            more effectively
                                 .       Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                              . http://www.peak.org/~sechrest
EuG-LUG mailing list

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