On Wed, Feb 25, 2004 at 04:32:33PM +0000, Bob Crandell wrote:
> I'm have my satellite plugged into a Hauppauge WinTV-GO model 190 with nVidia
> GeForce 2 MX 400 and Sound Blaster live Platinum and XawTV.  I got them at
> Circuit City.  Sorry Mr. O.
> I don't watch much TV with it.  I mostly listen to music.  Mostly.

The USB WinTV-Go thing isn't so good, but nearly all of the PCI cards work
flawlessly in Linux.  I think the PVR card might even work pretty well
nowadays, but the difference there is that it has its own MPEG-2 encoder
which needs extra drivers.  I just can't imagine kbob trading his TiVos
for a clunky Linux box with a crappy interface.  ;)

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