> * Meeting several people from Eugene who were completely unknown to me,
>   including John Abbe of wagn.org which is a pretty snazzy mashup of
>   wiki/hypercard/semi-structured data

I agree with Larry that Wagn is snazzy.  I was so impressed, in fact,
that I asked John to be the April speaker at the IT Pro Forum meeting.
So if you're interested in finding out more, you should plan on coming
to the meeting on 4/15.

> A number of regulars on this list made it to this event. And in my
> opinion it was well worth the effort.

Indeed.  I'm looking forward to the next one.

Hal Pomeranz, Founder/CEO      Deer Run Associates      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    Network Connectivity and Security, Systems Management, Training
EUGLUG mailing list

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