In a message dated 12/8/2000 8:27:57 AM Alaskan Standard Time, 

<< Alien Voyagers could be zipping past the solar system as we write.  The 
 we have a hard time finding objects (NEO's) 1km in diameter a few million
 miles of earth would indicate that locating a 3-4 meter silent spacecraft
 missing the solar system by billions of miles would indicate that its
 unlikely we or anyone else would ever detect the craft traversing our region
 of space. Even if it came with in a million miles of earth I doubt we'd seen
 it. >>

Putting a bit more philosophical thought into this brought me inevitably back 
to the underlying question:  How do you talk to a cockroach?

Consider:  how does a presumeably galactic civilization, with presumeably 
higher intelligence than anything on Earth today, figure out how to talk 
across the distances of time and space, to another species that might not 
even be born yet?
How does a completely alien creature communicate with a human, in an 
unambiguous way?  How does it make a communication device that is big enough, 
bold enough, to be seen for many light years, and last for millenia?

This, of course, is begging the question, why it would even WANT to do so.  
After all, there's no profit in doing anything for someone who is not related 
to you, and may be born 1,000,000 years in the future.  It's all too 
speculative, etc.  

So, presuming that an alien intelligence is truly so alien as to want to make 
a communication with someone it does not know, and may never actually know, 
and presuming that it can make a communication 'time capsule' effectively, 
what form would it take?  Clearly, little gold plaques ala' Voyager are not 
going to be enough.  Enigmatic monoliths probably won't do the trick either.  
You need something big and bold, and which clearly violates normal physics 
enough that it will be recognized.

At this point, a science fiction author might jump in and volunteer quasars 
or something, as that cosmic lighthouse.  Perhaps messages might be encoded 
in viral DNA -- a self-replicating message able to survive the ages.  
Perhaps, as a prior writer noted, the universe might be filled with Alien 
Voyagers; we just haven't recognized them yet?  

-- John Harlow Byrne, enquirious as ever
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