Larry has been out dealing with a terrestrial flu virus
but I am back.  I feel like quoting Han Solo from Return
of the Jedi when he says he's out of it for a few days
and everybody gets dellusions of grandeur. :^)

If you want to merge the Icepick Europa Ocean Explorer
list with the other lists you mention, feel free as far
as I am concerned.  But note that Jeff Foust is the list
owner and maintainer and he has the final say on what
happens with this list.  If Jason Perry wants to run
the one list, that is fine with me.

I guess since it seems that more than just Europa may
have a subsurface ocean of liquid water (and perhaps
on some of the Saturnian moon as well?) it is only
right to expand the plan to explore these worlds with
hydrobots and such.  I hope the folks on this list
will continue discussing these plans so that they
become a reality someday, as I always hope with


At 03:06 PM 01/24/2001 -0600, Jason Perry wrote:

>I have received no message to tell what Larry thinks of this but I
>will make this proposal anyway.  I agree, one list would be a very
>good idea.  But before we go along with this, I think we must briefly
>discuss the pros and cons.  As Simon said, one list would cut down on
>the cross posting and thus would lower the amount of mail someone
>subscribed to all three lists would receive.  A consolidated list
>would be much more popular and thus would encourage discussion than
>one which was broken up.  Then there are cons.  The reason I made
>ISSDG in August, seperate from Jupiter List was to give those who were
>only interested in the outer solar system a list without the clutter
>of information on the inner solar system and vice versa.  The Europa
>List is a strange list.  The list is for the discussion of Europa and
>the exploartion of said object yet only some of the discussions
>pertain to Europa.  A lot of it is more astrobiological in nature or
>of the Jupiter system.  Thats why it might make more sense to combine
>the Jupiter List and the Europa List and to keep this list and ISSDG
>With that said, I believe that we should combine. That is my opinion
>and I think it is the best thing for people on all three lists.  I
>come this conclusion on the basis that those subscribed to all three
>lists would get only one message on one topic and to allow a
>discussion to reach a larger audience.
>Who would run a merged list?  Pending Larry's belief on this topic, I
>believe that he should run it, meaning he should "own" the list and be
>the "founder" and have Alex Blackwell and I be moderators.  Alex and I
>are the moderators of Jupiter List and ISSDG.
>how would members of the three current lists join this new list?  My
>thinking is that what is now Jupiter List will become the new list.
>Those not on Jupiter List would be subscribed by Larry, Alex, or
>myself.  Another reason for having what is now Jupiter List be the new
>list is that it has almost 3000 messages in its archives that can be
>referenced back to if need be.  ISSDG would not be "killed" so that
>people can go back to the ISSDG archives if need be.  Larry's website
>can become a website for this new list and will help him if and when
>he needs it.  A website for the list would be a good idea to host the
>list's files when its nears its 20 MB limit.
>I've gone over administration, subscribing, and what not.  What have I
>left out?  Oh, if we are going to do this, a majority of you are going
>to need to sign on to this.  So I am going to publish a poll on the
>Jupiter List and ISSDG website.  If you are subscribed to both lists,
>please respond to both polls.  I will send Larry a copy of the poll
>results in a few days.
>If you have any comments, please make them known, either by posting
>them on the list or by sending them either to Larry or to me.  It is
>better to work out the fine details now than to encounter them and
>panic later.
>Jason Perry
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Bruce Moomaw" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Icepick Europa Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 9:12 AM
>Subject: Re: Merging The Mail Lists
>> I support this enthusiastically (although it still leaves the
>problem of
>> whether Larry or Jason will be managing the unified list).
>> Bruce Moomaw
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