> [Original Message]
> Date: 2/25/2001 9:01:10 PM
> Subject: Re: Moral Issues

> Here's the big, ugly secret of Lebensraum:  the Germans were right. 
> stronger, and hungrier has always justified expansion.  That's called 
> evolution.  In contemporary terms, we call it capitalism.  Just because
> bombing foreign cultures with McDonalds, not bombs, doesn't mean that
> not really still Lebensraum.
> Don't expect humans to change their culture overnight, just because
> threatened with a decline in the Earth's environment, the loss of various 
> species, etc.  You have got to make it personal:  until each one of us is 
> literally choking in our own filth, it will always just be easier to pass
> buck, expand somewhere else, move to greener pastures, etc.
> Bruce Moomaw would suggest that our global society may be at the boiling 
> point now, that we are at constant and increasing danger of mass
> die-offs, via war, plague, or what-have-you.
> However, perhaps this is a sort of unconscious species survival
> That is, in the absence of sufficient lebensraum, we've got to reduce our 
> impact, or our numbers... these are not issues for timid minds to
> -- JHB

I would happily reduce our numbers, but millions of people would have some
moral issues about it.

--- <chooser-of-tactics>

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 it is those who know little, not those who know much, who so positively
 assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science." --
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