In a message dated 3/14/2001 5:19:49 PM Alaskan Standard Time, 

> The Centrifuge Accommodation Module -- although it's being built by Japan --
>  may now have to be dropped because of ISS' overall cost problems.  If so,
>  the very last of the original justifications used by NASA to talk Congress
>  into funding the Station back in 1984 -- studies of how to keep people
>  healthy during long-duration spaceflight -- will disappear, and we will 
>  a $40 billion orbiting white elephant with absolutely no use whatsoever (at
>  least until some president with no sense of humor shuts it off).
>  Actually, I'm wrong; the Station has fulfilled one function magnificently 
>  swindling the taxpayers out of $40 billion -- which, of course, is the only
>  real reason NASA proposed it in the first place (as with the Shuttle).  But
>  now it's collided head-on with another grand government swindle -- Bush's
>  tax-cut flim-flam -- so it has to go.

Bruce, you've pretty much gutted the whole ISS concept with your above 
statements... so, you're suggesting that it's just a contemporary version of 
Skylab and Mir?  

Once again, it seems the best thing for the long-term development of space is 
to get it away from NASA and the big boys.  What's your take, Bruce?  Anyone 

-- JHB
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