Lets hope their endeavors are successful.  On the dark side - imagine a
whole load of multimillionaires -----?

-----Original Message-----
From: Gary McMurtry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2001 11:49 AM
Subject: Re: Buran back in business?

Ah folks, I'm seeing the future here! Yep, those of us getting older and
tired of NASA's snail pace in manned space exploration can now take heart.
Good old competition with the Russians is on again. This time, though, it's
commercial interests and rich(er) folks wanting to get directly involved in
space exploration that are driving it, unlike the paranoia last time around
(a good thing in many ways). Some folks might even get killed up there, but
who said exploration was easy? Remember the American frontier? It was
literally littered with bodies. If the Russians get to Mars first, I hope
they take a few Americans with them. Watching the NASA officials wipe egg
off their collective faces will really be worth it. The irony here is
layered like an onion! 


250 Million dollars buys a heck of a lot more in Russia than in the US. In 

addition, the Russians are making much money in commercial space activities 

that can be used to reactivate Buran,etc. It sounds to me like their

to rev up their manned Mars program engines. P. S. Please recall that that 

the Buran is launched by their Energia Heavy-Lift Booster! This booster is

important part of any Russian manned Mars Program. 

Rick L. Sterling 

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