> Some day we may terraform Europa and the other moons:
Yow.  I should get back to my POV-Ray tutorial.  (And buy a faster computer.  Or maybe a couple hundred faster computers.)
I had to think about how a Galilean moon atmosphere could give you anything like this image.  It's a tough design problem, I suspect.  You need
- an excellent heat trap to keep it warm enough for liquid water, probably heavy molecules like CFCs
- an upper atmosphere that fluoresces in response to Jupiter's radiation to compensate for the lower solar incidence
- a shield against radiation reaching the surface
- some way to precipitate lighter gases (maybe including water vapor) back to the surface so they don't top out at escape velocity.
Beats me, I'm no scientist.
-michael turner
----- Original Message -----
To: europa
Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2004 9:58 PM
Subject: A few more Europan-style images to inspire and inquire upon

Perhaps something like this lives on Europa's surface or an exoworld like that Jovian moon:
Question:  What would it take for a life form to survive on the surface of Europa, or just under the ice (not in the ocean)?  Something to consider as a possibility for Icepick to find.
Some day we may terraform Europa and the other moons:
Just a really cool image of Cassini entering orbit around Saturn:

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