> > And I'm going to start with what I think is a pretty reasonable
> > assumption: Europa may actually fit the profile of a very average,
> > life-bearing planet in the universe. Most life in the universe
> > may originate from oceans on planets around gas giants.

Robert Bradbury:
> Huh?  May I suggest "facts not in evidence".  Europa is around
> a gas giant that is relatively far from our sun that would be
> a frozen iceball were it not for gravitational heating.  Almost,
> if not all, of the other "gas" giants we are aware of are in *very*
> tight orbits around their respective stars where the surface
> temperature has long since boiled off any water.

I was under the impression that closely-orbiting gas giants
were a relatively recent and surprising discovery.

See table at end of

Quite a few gas giants have been inferred despite
the relatively greater difficulties of detecting the ones
that orbit at distances comparable to or greater than
Jupiter's distance from the sun.  There have been
dozens of planets inferred, if not confirmed, but
the closely-orbiting gas giants are big news recently
because people thought they were impossible.

The fact that people are finding gas giants (some
say they may be tidally-stripped brown dwarfs)
in such highly unlikely thermal conditions argues,
in my mind, for a very great prevalence of gas giants,
over a wider range of temperatures than was
thought possible.  It may be that most *Earthlike*
planets are in orbit around gas giants, not directly
in orbit around stars.  And that the number of
Earthlike planets, whether in orbit around gas
giants or not, is much lower than the number of

As well, a high percentage (the majority?) of
star systems are multiple-star systems, which has
been used to argue against stable "life zone" orbits
like Earth's, which are expected to be very narrow
bands indeed.  However, planets around gas giants
with tidal heating of ice-covered oceans may be
less exposed to the more unstable orbital dynamics
of multiple-star systems.  If most gas giants are
larger than Jupiter, gas giants may offer fairly wide
Europoid-friendly orbital ranges themselves - i.e., that
range between 'too volcanic to allow an ice shield'
and 'not tidally activated enough to keep water
liquid and geothermal activity going.'

See here, under the discussion of (implicitly Earthlike)
habitable zones.


In particular, the galactic environment that makes
Earthlike planets and the emergence of Earthlike
life more likely involves a number of factors that don't
seem quite so significant for a biosphere evolving in water
under a thick shield of ice, perhaps on a body too small to
hold a significant atmosphere, but still large enough to
be tidally heated.  Note metallicity as a factor - our
sun is unusually metallic.  Otherwise-sun-like stars
with significantly lower metallicity than ours are
unlikely to have terrestrial-type planets large enough
and/or dense enough to hold an atmosphere.
But Europa doesn't have the problem of holding down
an atmosphere, because it has ice holding down a
hydrosphere.  (Not many substances are less dense
in solid phase than in liquid phase - H2O is one of
very few.  Ice floats - we forget how weird that is.)

>From what little data I've seen so far, I think someone
could make a reasonable case that the galaxy hosts more
Europoids than terrestrial planets.  Maybe a lot
more.  And terrestrial planets are no picnic - our
own system has four, and only one of them has
obviously produced a significant biosphere.  You might
have about the same frequency of Europoids in the
galaxy, but much more likelihood of life on Europoids.
(Yet another reason to get under Europa's ice mantle:
to get a rough handle on the probabilities.)

> (Unstated presumption -- life requires water...)

You work with what you know.  I don't assume that
life requires water.  Who knows?  Maybe gas giants
teem with some form of life we can't conceive of
right now.  But ... intelligent life?  Life we could communicate

> > A distribution of gas-giant distances from stars will
> > virtually guarantee that on some of the possible Europoids,
> > the water will be covered by radiation-shielding ice.
> Ice doesn't do any more shielding than an equivalent amount
> of mass between you and the radiation source.  Europa's
> radiation shield could just as well be water or gas (if
> it could hold onto it in the long term).

Actually, ice is better in some ways, because it has a lot
of hydrogen.  If you want to shield yourself from cosmic
rays, and have a choice between lead and the equivalent
mass of hydrogen, take the hydrogen.  Not that this
matters with an ice shield as thick as Europa's.

And again: ice floats.  Liquid water as a shield leaves life
(or its originating conditaions) fully exposed to the
dangers of the universe.  Gas as a shield, ditto.  If H2O
is the ticket (or *a* ticket, anyway), it's got a neat
self-reinforcing property: it can cover itself under a
fairly wide range of thermal and gravitational conditions,
provided there's a heat source underneath.  Tidal forces
working on small rocky worlds orbiting gas giants that
themselves orbit at a distance from the home star
that permits a permanent ice cover - this may be as
good as it gets in this galaxy, 99% of the time.

> [snipped much that I'm going to have to think about how
> to respond to...]

Well, think hard.  ;-)

-michael turner

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