At 12:18 AM 9/10/2004 +0900, Michael Turner wrote:

A NASA old-timer going back to well before it was NASA
(Max Faget, I think) said something smart once: it's really hard to make
something work only from the laws of chemistry and physics, but if you
can, you generally should.

You know how we always say, "NASA would work better if it were still run by engineers"? Well, Max Faget was one of the ones who ran it when it did.

It's hard to get information on how Genesis worked. That project may have the worst of all the Newspeak NASA web sites that have emerged in the last several years. It seems to me though that since solar wind particles are atom-sized or at most molecules, then whatever caught them could be folded tightly (checked to see if that was done right before reentry) and hard-landed, just like it did, only it could have worked if that's how they planned it.


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