"JIMO in trouble" - that's news?  JIMO has always been in trouble.  JIMO hinges on technology that may never be fully developed and deployed for any mission - Prometheus.  It offers no immediate "public scenic resources", unlike Hubble and Mars, since the Galilean Moons have a far lower profile with the public, and getting a fresh batch of images will be decades away.  It's staggeringly ambitious compared to any interplanetary probe mission in the past.
I think major missions with a focus on figuring out Europa may require a 99%-certain verdict about life on Mars, whether in the positive or in the negative.  "No life on Mars" means turning the focus elsewhere - and there's Europa, next in line.  Mars biology confirmed will also probably be Mars biology that excites the public for only so long - microbial forms, and no fossils except for fossil microbes.  Again, the focus will turn to more likely prospects.  Europa again.  Either conclusion could be a pretty long way off, though.
I think the kind of mission to aim for in the interim, in hopes of either breaking or bypassing this perceptual logjam with the public, is some kind of orbiter that gets VERY close to the surface of Europa.  And I think that's possible because Europa's atmosphere is so vestigial.  I once ran across a paper that estimated that most of that atmosphere is oxygen disassociated from H20 by Jupiter radiation and cosmic rays, and that the oxygen atoms/molecules average three collisions with other atoms/molecules before escaping Europa permanently.  That's so thin as to call into question the definition of "atmosphere".  A probe might be able to orbit Europa at an average altitude of only tens of miles from the surface, for years, and might be equipped to perform multiple "ice-chip" experiments.  That kind of probe is more likely to be within the realm of existing technology - and getting a proposal within that realm greatly improves its chances of being funded.
-michael turner
----- Original Message -----
To: europa
Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2005 10:22 AM
Subject: JIMO in trouble

Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2005 17:56:03 -0500 (GMT-05:00)
From: DwayneDay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [FPSPACE] Following the [NASA] Money/JIMO in trouble
To: fpspace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

I know that following budgets is about as exciting as watching cows sleep, but there's a Space News article now online that raises some interesting questions about the NASA 2005 budget (the one currently in place):


Keep in mind that NASA will soon--by early February--submit its 2006 budget, that could conceivably make all of this stuff moot.

(Space News is a great source for current space information, but it is subscription-only.  This article was put on the Space.com website and so I will reprint the article below.)

There are a few odd things in the article that I don't understand.  But first, I'll point up one of the more interesting things in it.  The article indicates that the Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter (JIMO) mission has been renamed Prometheus 1.  More interestingly, the article implies that the mission may be canceled and is currently undergoing review to see if it can be scaled back.  As far as I know, this is the first media mention that JIMO might be canceled due to cost.

Now this is not that surprising once you start to think about JIMO and its implications.  First of all, it is a VERY expensive mission.  I did some back of the envelope calculations once (and lost the envelope) and I think that when you factor in everything, including tech development and the cost of a heavy lift vehicle, JIM starts to push close to double-digit gigabucks, i.e. up to ten BILLION dollars or even more.  Second, although I have forgotten all the details, I believe that the actual cost of the mission (as opposed to the Prometheus technology development program) was never in NASA's out-year budget plan.  Put a different way, NASA was planning the mission, but had not added its costs to its existing budget.

The thing that puzzles me in the article is NASA's decision to add $52 million to the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) project.  Now what is happening here is not that complex, but requires some explanation.  First, NASA can only spend money that Congress appropriates and it has to spend that money on what Congress appropriates it for.  There are limits to how much a federal agency can shift around money between accounts before it has to go and get permission from Congress (the reasons are to prevent the President from doing things in the budget that Congress said he cannot do.  Congress passed the Anti-Deficiency Act to keep control of this stuff).

In this case, Congress specifically CUT the LRO budget to only $10 million.  In normal circumstances, that means that NASA can only spend $10 million on LRO in the Fiscal 2005 budget (they can come back in future years and ask for more money).  However, this time Congress also gave NASA a waiver to allow the agency to shift money around to different accounts.  It was my understanding that they did this because they understood that NASA would have to move money to the space shuttle return to flight effort.  I seriously doubt that they intended for NASA to put money into programs that they cut.  Why even have a budget in the first place if the limits do not mean anything?

But NASA wants to keep the LRO program on track for a 2008 launch and so it is putting money back into a project that Congress cut.  The Space News article seems to indicate that NASA will have to obtain congressional approval for this, meaning that Congress ultimately gets the final say.  But it makes me wonder what is going on.  NASA officials must suspect that they can get the money for LRO reinstated.  Otherwise, if they are simply thumbing their nose at Congress, then Congress will impose tighter controls on the new Fiscal 2006 budget that is going up in February.

Now that I've put you all to sleep, I'll add a little more space context... Apparently there were a number of people in Congress who were unhappy with NASA's approach to Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, viewing it as too expensive and too conventional at a time when the agency needed new approaches.  I don't know if this is the reason why LRO got its budget chopped, but it seems reasonable.  So maybe NASA has been doing a lot of salesmanship on LRO lately.


NASA Uses Budgetary Authority To Shift Funds Toward Exploration Vision

By Brian Berger
Space News Staff Writer

NASA intends to forge ahead with its space exploration agenda despite direction from Congress to throttle back on a key part of it to make refurbishing the Hubble Space Telescope a top priority.

While Congress gave NASA nearly its entire $16.2 billion budget request for 2005, it cut most of the money the U.S. space agency had sought for the 2008 Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter mission - a major early milestone in NASA's future exploration plans - and directed NASA to spend $291 million preparing for a Hubble servicing mission.

But Congress also gave NASA permission to shuffle money between programs to meet critical requirements, an authority the space agency asked for during budget negotiations last autumn.

NASA Administrator Sean O'Keefe has said he intended to use that authority to put the needed resources behind the priorities President George W. Bush laid out for the agency in his Jan. 14, 2004 space exploration vision speech.

The initial NASA operating plan for 2005 that O'Keefe sent to key congressional committee's just before Christmas for their review appears to fund most of the president's priorities without inflicting deep cuts on existing programs. NASA was able to do this in part by allocating substantially less than Congress directed to a proposed Hubble refurbishing mission and raiding $150 million from an account set aside to settle contract cancellations stemming from the agency's largely abandoned efforts to develop reusable launcher technology.

Congressional aides who have seen the operating plan said it is not clear that NASA has addressed all the challenges it faces in 2005 and that many of the toughest questions - including how it will accommodate $450 million in lawmakers' pet projects - remain unanswered.

NASA declined to answer questions about the 2005 operating plan, a copy of which was obtained by Space News, until lawmakers have had a chance to review it. [Click here to review Operating Plan Expenditures.]

"When we are sure that Congress has had a chance to review the plan and get any briefings they need or questions they have answered, then we can make someone available for an interview," NASA spokeswoman Sarah Keegan said Jan. 6.

In his Dec. 23 letter to lawmakers presenting the NASA operating plan, O'Keefe wrote that he used the transfer authority they gave him to fund NASA's efforts to return the space shuttle fleet to flight status by this summer and to keep the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter mission, the Crew Exploration Vehicle program, and the Project Prometheus nuclear power demonstration all on track.

Although NASA fared better than most civilian agencies, it is beginning 2005 essentially with $173.6 million less that its request. That's because before the ink was dry on the 2005 Omnibus Appropriations Act, NASA and all other government agencies were told they would have to give back just under one percent of their budgets to keep the massive appropriations bill from busting hard fought spending limits.

While NASA's top line is slightly improved by $126 million in emergency aid Congress provided last year in the wake of the hurricanes that battered Florida's Kennedy Space Center (KSC), every dollar of that aid remains - at least for now - allocated toward repairs at KSC.

NASA is also saddled with $450 million worth of projects lawmakers want the space agency to fund this year. In his letter to lawmakers, O'Keefe complained about the number of earmarks (a total of 167, up from six in 1997). But aside from $50 million in education-oriented earmarks, O'Keefe did not explain what NASA would cut to pay for the remaining $400 million it needs. Those budget impacts, he said, would be addressed in future updates to the operating plan.

The operating plan repairs the deep cut Congress imposed on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter program, putting $52 million behind an effort that lawmakers had pared back to $10 million in the budget bill Bush signed into law in December. Combined with $17 million NASA shifted toward the project in late 2004, the agency says the mission has enough funding behind it to make a 2008 launch.

NASA's initial operating plan departs from the direction Congress gave it to spend $291 million this year preparing a Hubble servicing mission. According to the operating plan, NASA intends to put only $175 million toward the effort this year, with the agency's Science and Exploration Systems directorates splitting the bill.

NASA also added nearly $305 million to the space shuttle program, bringing it up to $4.6 billion for the year. But NASA had told lawmakers as recently as November that it would need $5 billion for the program in 2005, an estimate driven by higher than expected bills for getting the space shuttle fleet ready to fly again. In his letter to lawmakers, O'Keefe explained that a little over a third of the $762 million in return-to-flight costs the agency faces this year are still under review. A plan for paying for those, he said, would be presented later this year.

To help cover the cost of preparing to return the shuttle fleet to flight status, NASA cut more than $100 million from within shuttle program itself including canceling several long-planned shuttle upgrades not expected to yield any safety benefits before the end of the decade and postponed construction projects.

The rest of the extra money for shuttle came from the International Space Station program, which gave back $160 million for the cause, and a long list of other NASA programs which collectively chipped in about $50 million. Some of those programs, however, could be asked to dig deeper either as NASA looks for a way to pay $287 million in return-to-flight expenses still under review or as new shuttle expenses pop up.

There are no obvious losers in NASA's initial operating plan, but one the Exploration Systems Mission Directorate - which is responsible for developing the Crew Exploration Vehicle and the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter - is emerging as one of the biggest bill payers so far. Between paying its share of Hubble repair preparations and surrendering $150 million in Space Launch Initiative era efforts, Exploration Systems starts the year more than $200 million off the mark. The Centennial Challenges prize making effort and various technology development efforts suffer for it. But Project Prometheus, the nuclear power and propulsion program long a favorite of O'Keefe's would remain fully funded at around $430 million even though its flagship mission, the Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter, is being eyed for cancellation. NASA recently renamed the mission Prometheus 1 and announced that a search for less daunting initial demonstrations of the nuclear power and propulsion systems NASA needs is
 underway. NASA spokesman Michael Braukus said the analysis of alternatives won't be completed until April 15.

If NASA plans to cancel any programs this year, it is not clear from the operating plan. In fact, most major programs in development were insulated from all but fairly minor cuts. But there were exceptions. NASA cut $24 million of the $163 million it had planned to spend on in-space power and propulsion projects.

Similarly, the X-43 hypersonic demonstrator program that Congress hopes to keep flying with a $25 million cash infusion, is not funded in the operating plan.

Some of NASA's small spacecraft programs also fare worse in the operating plan. The New Millennium program, which has struggled in recent years to find launch opportunities for the experimental payloads it develops, would have its $82 million request cut back to $66 million. Additionally, the $96 million requested for NASA's Explorer program for low-cost, competitively selected science missions, would be cut back to $71 million.

Still, some NASA projects got additional money above what they asked for last February. In most cases the increases were to cover technical setbacks and schedule delays. For example, NASA plans to add $15.2 million to Deep Impact's budget to pay for technical problems that threatened the comet hunter's unforgiving one-month launch window. The spacecraft is slated to launch Jan. 12. NASA is also adding $3.1 million to the Swift gamma ray burst mission to pay bills still coming in from last year's launch delay.

While Congress reviews NASA's 2005 operating plan, NASA is preparing to roll out in early February its budget request for 2006.

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