Cape Canaveral, FL -- In an eerie case of fact imitating fiction, a key prediction made by sci-fi author Dennis Chamberland about the location of ice on Mars was proven correct this week. The European Space Agency announced February 21 that its Mars Express Spacecraft discovered what appears to be a subterranean ice field on Mars’ Elysium desert, in the exact position described in Chamberland’s book, Abyss of Elysium, published last year by Quantum Editions.

Mercury Astronaut Scott Carpenter whose comments now appear uncannily prophetic wrote the Foreword to the 444-page novel. Said Carpenter of the book; “it is the kind of story that will lead to real life imitating fiction one day.”

”I am just as astonished and excited about this as anyone,” Chamberland said from his home near Cape Canaveral, Florida. “It just seems amazing that the book and reality came together so precisely. Obviously, I imagined that many of the elements of the book’s fiction could come to pass in the future but I was surprised that fact and fiction merged so quickly.”

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