
2009/5/24 Michael Foord <fuzzy...@voidspace.org.uk>:
> John Pinner wrote:
>> Hi,
>> 2009/5/24 Michael Foord <fuzzy...@voidspace.org.uk>:
>>> John Pinner wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> 2009/5/24 Christian Scholz <c...@comlounge.net>:
>>>>> Zeth wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> Who was running the Europython twitter account? It seems woefully out
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> date.
>>>>>> http://twitter.com/europython
>>>>>> If someone shares with me the password, I will write some new posts
>>>>>> there.
>>>>> Yes, I am. It should be fed by the blog RSS feed automatically but I
>>>>> wil
>>>>> send you the password later today.
>>>> Is the account working?  It claims to be following me, and I've tagged
>>>> a couple of things #europython, but my (rare) tweets do not appear on
>>>> it.
>>> Unless it is setup as an auto-retweet bot (which it shouldn't be IMO)
>>> then
>>> it wouldn't repeat your messages. It should be tweeting new posts to the
>>> EuroPython blog.
>> Well I'll leave all this stuff to you modern young social networking
>> whipper-snappers, but to my simple mind:
>> * Christian says it's taking new blog posts and tweeting them, the
>> reverse of what you say,
> Sorry - my meaning was unclear - parentheses or better punctuation would
> have helped. I meant that new posts to the EP blog would be tweeted.
>> * If I follow you, I see your tweets, so why is this not the same with ep,
> If you were logged in as the ep twitter you would see your posts. If I
> follow you I don't see posts from everyone you follow.
>> * With how it is no, it seems pointless!
> Unless it is used to send messages it is pointless!
> There was a PyCon twitter account which was setup to retweet messages sent
> directly to it which was very useful during PyCon.
> If you sent a message like:
>   @pycon Birds of a feather starting in Runcorn room in five minutes.
> It would tweet the following message (seen by anyone following it):
>   Birds of a feather starting in Runcorn room in five minutes. (From
> @someone)
> This was driven by a Python script which may be available somewhere. Should
> I look into it?


Of course, after EP we should all know about because of Andreas
Schreiber's talk.


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