Hello Jonathan,

2009/6/9 Jonathan Hartley <tart...@tartley.com>:
> If I interpreted tonight's meeting correctly, we can repurpose the
> VolunteersByActivity page to help enumerate the tasks that need more
> volunteers:
> http://wiki.europython2009.eu/VolunteersByActivity


> Potential volunteers can be directed to this page, where they can sign up
> directly for any activities they fancy.


> I've made a start. The page currently describes a procedure (add your
> WikiName) which is a trifle cumbersome for newbies, who won't have a
> WikiName.

> Can we just ask them for a phone number or obfuscated email
> address instead?

They can use their WikiName, it doesn't have to have an entry.

> I also propose adding the a colorful icon and 'helpwanted' text to tasks
> that need it. Examples of the wiki markup for this are on the page.
> I'll also add an entry here for session chairs, which references the
> existing description.


We can probably do without the Benevolent Dictator stuff etc at the
top, as it just means that the important content is obscured.

Best wishes,

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