
On 10 February 2010 13:02, M.-A. Lemburg <m...@egenix.com> wrote:
> M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>> Hi John,
>>>> If not, I'd suggest adding some "Registration is now open !" text
>>>> to the europython.eu homepage as well.
>>> Strangely enough we do have a plan for announcing it, probably later today.
>> :-)
>>> The plan is:
>>> 1. Announce to ep-improve ans ask people to test it (it is safe to
>>> make a booking), please accept THIS EMAIL as that annlouncement.
>> Ok, then I'll play test bunny today.
> Some comments:
> * The reg page show 19.7. - 22.7. as conference dates, the
>  shopping cart still uses 17.7. - 22.7.

This was changed earlier today: I think it should be consistent now.

> * The shopping carts has lots of entries for things I did not
>  select (all with quantity 1 and amount 0.00), ie. you buy
>  tutorials for nothing :-) Removing those entries works as
>  expected.

This is a side-effect of using the cart for soemthing it was not
really intended for. It has not caused any problems in the past, and
\i think is mentioned in the 'help'

> * The printed invoice includes all the "Other Information".
>  That's not necessarily ideal, since such information is normally
>  not printed on invoices.

That's how the cart works.

> * The printed invoice and the confirmation email still use
>  the "PyCon UK 2009" title. The email also uses this in the
>  subject line.

This is set deeply in the cart configuration, I haven't been able to
locate it yet.

> * The content/type of the confirmation email's first MIME part is
>  set to text/plain;charset="iso-8859-1", but still contains
>  some HTML and UTF-8 text
> * The second MIME part has the full HTML, but also uses
>  the iso-8859-1 charset - it should be utf-8, since that's
>  what the HTML uses
> * The second MIME part has the start of the HTML truncated
>  (html, head and body tags are missing)

Sorry, but it's the cart doing this, there's not a lot we can do about
it. We';d hoped to have a complete solution of our own this year, but
we didn't have the time. Sorry.

> * Both invoice and confirmations show the PyCon UK Society
>  as contractual partner - shouldn't this be the EuroPython
>  Society ?

No. The PyCon Uk Society is the legal entity running EuroPython 2010
(and 2009). It has to be a UK organisation for legal, insurance, etc,

> * I've selected bank transfer as payment method, so will
>  test that as well now.
> Hope that helps,

Thanks very much for you input!

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