12) When you quote vehicle range why don't you give the range at two
>> different speeds, say 35 mph and 65 mph on level ground, rather than some
>> number that most people will not obtain in their actual use, and have no
>> to translate to estimate what they will get in actual use?

A single number should suffice.  For example, 100 miles at 60 mph.  It is
not too hard to figure that if you drive 80 mph you will get less miles and
if you drive 45 mph you will get more.

>> 13) Why do you not give energy consumption in energy/mile at 2 or 3
>> different speeds rather than the fairly useless mpge?

This is all about psychology.  Most people are not hip to math or unit
calculations.  The proper units should be miles per kwh, since that is how
you are billed by the utility company.  The problem is people are used to a
big number.  If their current car gets "30" (mpg), then buying a car that
gets 3 mpk (miles per kilowatt-hour) seems like a step down.  So instead
they come up with the goofy and meaningless mpge so they can spout a big
number like "120mpge".

Personally, I find watts/mile a bit like measuring gas in teaspoons/mile.
 Nonsensical since you don't buy gas in teaspoons.  You have to do a bunch
of equations to come up with how much it actually cost.  Since everyone is
already billed in kwh, saying 3 mpk makes sense if your electric bill is
$0.10/kwh.  You would know it costs $1 to go 30 miles while your regular
(30mpg) car costs almost $4 to go the same distance.

On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 2:31 AM, Martin WINLOW <m...@winlow.co.uk> wrote:

> Hi,
> I do hope you all aren't expecting sensible answers to these very valid
> questions.  That Ford, possibly (?) the biggest and most successful auto
> manufacturer in the history of the world, can't be bothered to design and
> manufacture a ground-up EV - unlike a half dozen much lesser companies -
> speaks volumes for its attitude to EVs in general.  It just isn't
> interested and this may just lead to its ultimate demise.
> On 24 Mar 2013, at 14:40, Ed Blackmond wrote:
> > 15) Why don't you sell the car and lease the battery pack?  That would
> make the car less expensive than the ICE version and the monthly lease
> payment for the battery pack would be less than what people pay for gas in
> the electric. You could also offer different capacity battery packs for
> people with different needs.
> >
> > Ed
> >
> > On Mar 24, 2013, at 6:45 AM, tomw <tomofreno2...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> >
> >> 11) Why does your electric Focus sell for about $7k more than a Leaf
> with a
> >> 6.6kW charger?  Did the main difference, battery cooling/heating,
> actually
> >> add $7k to the cost?
> >>
> >> 12) When you quote vehicle range why don't you give the range at two
> >> different speeds, say 35 mph and 65 mph on level ground, rather than
> some
> >> number that most people will not obtain in their actual use, and have
> no way
> >> to translate to estimate what they will get in actual use?
> >>
> >> 13) Why do you not give energy consumption in energy/mile at 2 or 3
> >> different speeds rather than the fairly useless mpge?
> >>
> >> 14) Why don't you offer a lower cost model without all the electronic
> >> geegaws for those of us that don't care about them?
> >>
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Marcus Reddish

*North Valley Systems LLC*
Stevensville, Montana
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