Frankly, OTT thread is NOT OT to the big picture and reminds us Why we continue 
to work on EV mobility. I am grateful to excursions such as the one going to 
learn about what is going on in other parts of the EV world. WE may be a small 
group of aficionados, but if it weren't for people like us there would be no EV 
readymades, so we are not without power so must stay informed.

I don't shop where I can't charge.

I agree- and this movie is now OLD.....
BTW, if you have not yet seen it - buy the movie "Gasland", watch it,
show it to all your neighbors and organize yourselves - that is
probably the best thing you can do to respond to this "rape" of your
rights in the name of profits.
Since this is the EVDL, I will say no more.

Cor van de Water
Chief Scientist
Message: 5
Date: Wed, 28 May 2014 19:42:34 -0400
From: EVDL Administrator via EV <>
To: EVDL <>
Subject: Re: [EVDL] EV Digest, Vol 19, Issue 39 - OTT
Message-ID: <>

Folks, this thread is getting pretty far off topic.  Let's get back to EVs, 

David Roden
EVDL Administrator
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