Power trip: Journey in electric car ends in Fairbanks
By Matt Buxton  August 12, 2014

[images  / Matt Buxton/News-Miner
Tesla Model S - Guy Hall, a electric car advocate and president of the
[Sacramento, CA] Electric Vehicle Association, recently completed a trip in
his Tesla Model S that brought him from the U.S.-Mexico border to Fairbanks
poses outside the [Trans-Alaska] Pipeline on Aug. 11, 2014.

FAIRBANKS — A press of the pedal and everyone in Californian Guy Hall’s
Tesla Model S was pressed into their seats, with what electric car
enthusiasts call a “Tesla Grin” spreading across their faces, as the red
electric car went from 0 to 60 in a matter of seconds. 

Hall, an advocate for electric cars and president of the Sacramento Electric
Vehicle Association, completed the trip from the U.S.-Mexico border near
Yuma, Arizona, to Fairbanks this week, showing off the high-tech electric
car along the way.

“It’s a lot of fun,” he said. “The moment you feel that instant torque —
it’s like a sports car and can go 0 to 60 in about 4 seconds — they call it
the Tesla grin.” 

Hall, a 30-year employee of Hewlett-Packard, was by no means much of a car
enthusiast, owning a long series of Ford Tauruses most of his life, but he
was a techie. And as an aficionado of high-tech gadgets, electric cars were
intriguing. Now his family owns one of each of the auto industry’s leading
electric cars: a Chevrolet Volt, a Nissan Leaf and the Tesla. 

Not only do electric vehicles save big on fuel bills — in the Lower 48,
charging amounts to about $1 per gallon equivalent or about $2 in Fairbanks
by Hall’s estimations — but the Tesla S also brings some big changes to cars
from everything related to comfort to safety.

“What surprises me is that with most tech businesses, you try to innovate on
one or two dimensions, but they’ve innovated on everything and seem to have
kept it all in control. It just boggles my mind,” he said. 

There’s no traditional key to open or start the car, just a keychain that
the vehicle senses when you get close. You can also change the car’s
handling, from a stiff sports car feel to the noodly “comfort” handling, its
suspension all from the an oversized touch pad that’s replaced the
traditional knobs of a car’s console. 

Hall made the trip, which he’s dubbed as the T5 (Tesla Tijuana to Tundra
Tour), in about 17 days, stopping to recharge the vehicle’s batteries and
give rides to locals along the way. The Tesla model that Hall drove has a
range of about 250 miles and charging times can range from 20 minutes on
high-power chargers to a day on a regular wall socket. 

It wasn’t the easiest trip without the availability of the somewhat regular
electric car charging stations along Lower 48 highways, but Hall had done
his homework.

“I sat down with a pad of paper and figured I could do it,” he said. “I also
had plan Bs and plan Cs, just in case.” 

Along the Yukon, where there are long stretches without gas stations, Hall
would either recharge at RV parks or find mechanic or welding shops that had
220-volt power plugins to charge his car, trading rides in the sporty car
for electricity. 

Hall said that while it took him longer to get to Fairbanks than it would
have in a gasoline-fueled car, it gave him an opportunity to explore Canada
and Alaska in a way that he wouldn’t have been able to if he was speeding

“It slows you down to take a break,” he said. “Sometimes it’s about an hour,
but you get a chance to meet people. I’ve met some marvelously nice people

Hall said he plans to depart Fairbanks this afternoon to return home to
Sacramento, but said that he hopes to make the T5 trip into a tradition
among other electric car enthusiasts, handing off a trophy to drivers who
can make it in record time.
Sacramento Electric Vehicle Association
Tesla Model S driver goes from Mexico to Alaska, loves the experience
By John Beltz Snyder  Aug 16th 2014 

[images  / Tesla
tesla model s

Seeing The Benefits Of Needing To Stop For A Charge

As range anxiety lessens, and more chargers are installed along major
roadways, increasing numbers of people are taking road trips in their
electric vehicles. The Tesla Model S in particular has become the go-to
vehicle for electric touring. When equipped with the 85-kWh battery pack,
the Model S offers up to 265 miles of range, which is a respectable distance
to cover in one sitting. It's still notable, though, when a Model S driver
makes a particularly long trek, especially when much of the route is mostly
devoid of Tesla Superchargers.

Guy Hall, the president of the Sacramento Electric Vehicle Association,
drove his Tesla Model S from the US/Mexico border outside of Yuma, Arizona
to Fairbanks, Alaska in 17 days. He calls the trip the T5 (Tesla Tijuana to
Tundra Tour), and he encourages other people to make the journey, despite
the challenge of driving through areas that are sparsely populated.

 Charging "slows you down to take a break. I've met some marvelously nice
people here." – Guy Hall

Driving through California, Oregon, and Washington isn't too difficult.
North of Vancouver, British Columbia is where charging starts to get a
little tricky. Hall says that when gas stations with electrical outlets were
few and far between, he stopped at RV parks to charge (a trick of the Tesla
tripping trade we've seen before). Hall made use of his charms, and would
offer rides in his Model S to curious employees at mechanic and welding
shops in return for the opportunity to more quickly charge his battery using
their 240-volt outlets. While the trip took quite a bit longer than it would
have in one of the Ford Tauruses Hall owned before switching to EVs, it
allowed him to soak in the beauty of his surroundings, meet people along the
way and answer questions about the Model S. Charging "slows you down to take
a break," says Hall. "I've met some marvelously nice people here."

Guy Hall now hopes to turn the T5 trip into a sort of event, where EV
drivers who make the trip in the shortest amount of time could win a trophy.
If you're interested in making a similar journey, Hall has posted his route
from Sacramento northward, here. Read more about Hall's journey at News
Miner, or read his thread at Tesla Motors Club.
[© 2014 AOL]
Photos: Tesla comes to town
August 17, 2014 

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