Slightly off topic.

Driving my energy efficient EV home everynight , I have to cross the new
Annapolis Bridge with its blinding wasteful lights.  See a picture:

But here is the real shocker I just stumbled into when looking at the
Satellite view of wasted light in the USA.  Notice the large lighting blot
the size of Las Angeles in upper NW N. Dakota!  That must be all the
drilling going on (driving the cost of gas below $3) in a race to see how
much carbon we can burn before it runs out!

Sorry for this off-topic diversion, but I got to it by looking at the
Go to google earth, and look at that area.... There is NOTHING there.  Must
be so many millions of oil and fracking wells that have sprung up since the
google earth images were taken.

This is shocking.

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