"The engine growl in some of America’s best-selling cars and trucks is actually 
a finely tuned bit of lip-syncing, boosted through special pipes or digitally 
faked altogether"


"Orchestrated engine noise has become a necessity for electric cars, which run 
so quietly that they can provide a dangerous surprise for inattentive 
pedestrians and the blind. Federal safety officials expect to finalize rules 
later this year requiring all hybrid and electric cars to play fake engine 
sounds to alert passersby, a change that experts estimate could prevent 
thousands of pedestrian and cyclist injuries."


I _like_ quiet! But if a sound system that makes fake "Vroom! Vroom!" sounds is 
what it takes to get people to buy electric, bring it on. Though I predict that 
it won't be long before that sort of thing is as dated as bellbottom trousers 
and pagers.

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