% Employees are switching employers in both companies %

Report: Tesla Motors Poached 150 Apple Employees
By Stephanie Mlot  February 6, 2015


Apple, meanwhile, reportedly offers $250,000 signing bonuses and 60 percent
salary increases to Tesla employees. 

Tesla Motors reportedly goes Apple picking on a regular basis, padding its
6,000-strong ranks with a number of former Cupertino-ites.

The automaker has hired at least 150 former Apple employees—more than any
other company, according to Bloomberg.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk and his lineup of electric vehicles serve as the modern
equivalent of Steve Jobs and the first iDevices. Musk and Jobs, Bloomberg
pointed out, even share similar reputations: a quick temper and obsessive
attention to detail.

So is it any wonder that Apple workers are flocking to the hottest car maker
in the country?

"From a design philosophy, (Apple) is relatively closely aligned," Tesla CEO
Elon Musk told the news site.

Neither Apple nor Tesla responded to PCMag's request for comment.

In October 2013, Doug Field ditched his position leading Apple's Mac
Hardware Engineering team for a spot as Tesla's vice president of vehicle

"Until Tesla came along, I had never seriously considered leaving Apple,"
Field said at the time. "As the first high-tech auto company in modern
history, Tesla is at least an opportunity for me and many others to pursue
the dream of building the best cars in the world—while being part of one of
the most innovative companies in Silicon Valley."

Musk has been poaching Apple workers since 2010, when Tesla hired George
Blankenship to head its showroom design and sales efforts.

Tesla has also pulled in executives from tech giants like Google, VMware,
and NXP Semiconductors, as well as rival car makers Ford, Mazda, Toyota, and

Apple, however, is fighting back, reportedly offering $250,000 signing
bonuses and 60 percent salary increases to Tesla employees who join Apple.
"Apple tries very hard to recruit from Tesla," Musk told Bloomberg. "But so
far they've actually recruited very few people."

Last year, Musk confirmed that he had informal talks with execs at Apple,
but he denied any acquisition plans.
[© pcmag.com]

Tesla Motors Inc Bites Hard Into Apple Inc.’s Talent Pool
by Pushpa Naresh - February 6, 2015 

For Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA) the key is to have a talent pool that can
build its dream. And apparently much of that dream technology specialists
are all housed at the Cupertino’s Apple Inc.

It is no longer surprising that Elon Musk’s and his teams technology vision
has found solutions and technology experts at Apple’s DNA-structured
headquarters or closed-laboratories, for Tesla Motors continues to hire more
experts from here. 

Ex-Apple employees at Tesla
One of the best examples of recent hiring patterns by the world’s most
famous electric car builder has been Doug Field. 

Field who is a technology officer and has roots deep in product and hardware
design first at Segway and then at Ford, and later at Apple’s MacBook
products, eventually became Vice President at Tesla Motors Vehicle program. 

At last count, Tesla Motors has over 150 of Apple best and brightest now on
its payrolls. 

In CEO Elon Musk’s words, Apple’s engineers share the same ‘design
philosophy’ and closely match the vision Tesla has into the future. 

Tesla Motors Inc use of software on its cars has brought about profound
changes in the automotive industry, thus far. As analysts remark, higher
software-driven cars development has meant that the traditional car makers
are under pressure. 

The impact of the ex-Apple Inc. based employees is felt in the design of the
2012 car release the Model S, a full-sized sedan. The touchscreen based
controls for many of the function and smartphone, device-like software
updates are rendering similar user-experience as the iPad or an iPhone.

However, it needs to be seen how far the people at Tesla Motors Inc will opt
to be an Apple-like product and when the style differentiation will begin!
Elon Musk is described by many, as a strong leader cast in Steve Job-mould!
Time will let us know where Tesla Motor vehicles experience will differ from
that of the iDevice family!
[© opptrends.com]

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Want Elon Musk to Hire You at Tesla? Work for Apple
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It’s Tesla vs. Apple in tech talent war
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Tesla Motors Inc, Apple Inc. In Fight Over Talent Acquisition
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Tesla Poaching Apple Employees, Apple Fights Back with $250,000 Bonuses and
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Elon Musk Has Raided 150 People From Apple For Tesla
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Rumor: Apple preparing to 'give Tesla a run for its money' with new
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Elon Comes A’ Callin’—Apple Execs Get Poached by Tesla
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Why Google and Apple want a piece of the connected car pie
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Tesla looking to fill 350 internship positions, unr.edu job expo
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