On Mar 9, 2015, at 8:09 PM, David Nelson via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:

> "If our vehicle owners customize our vehicles..."
> I thought when a vehicle was purchased and the owner held the title
> that the vehicle was no longer the manufacturers.

For ages, you haven't been able to buy software; you only buy a license to be 
able to use the software in ways that the company "selling" it to you approves 

Similar "end user license agreements" have been making their way into basically 
any physical device that runs software. You may think you own your TV, but you 
really only own a license to press buttons on the remote control.

Teslas are frequently described as more computer than car. I wouldn't at all be 
surprised if nobody actually owns any Teslas but Musk, who effectively owns 
them all. He just sells you a license that permits you to drive it in approved 

To be fair, such is the case with basically _all_ modern vehicles, regardless 
of the source of motive power. It's just that much more "in your face" with 
Teslas, given their automatic over-the-air updates and the amount of control 
they visibly assert and how hard they push back against "owners."

There're reasons I drive cars older than I am, and a very important one is that 
I actually own the things.


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