You Shouldn't Want To Buy A Kia Soul EV, Says Kia Dealer
By John Voelcker  Mar 30, 2015  ht2 Cody Osborne, Matthew Moreno

2015 Kia Soul EV First Drive - Portland - November 2014
DC fast charging 2015 Kia Soul EV

It's often said that one of the bigger impediments to sales of electric cars
is car dealerships.

Among plug-in car shoppers, stories abound of salespeople who know little or
nothing about electric vehicles, misrepresent their abilities, and
aggressively steer shoppers away from them toward gasoline alternatives.

Rarely, however, is this kind of behavior documented for the world to see.

Which leads us to the case of the buyer who contacted Kia of Vancouver in
British Columbia, Canada, to ask about the Kia Soul EV.

As covered last week by InsideEVs, an Internet sales manager at the
dealership, Phil Curtin, responded with a remarkable letter explaining why
the buyer shouldn't be interested in the Soul EV--or indeed in any electric

Curtin wrote,

Thank you for your interest in the Soul EV.

Are you interested because you think an EV will save you money, or because
you believe it will be good for the environment? Because realistically, it
will do neither. The Carbon footprint of making the electric battery is
equivalent to driving the gas powered luxury Soul for 5 years, and the extra
8-10000 $ you will pay for an EV, would pay for gas in a 2.0 l GDI four
cylinder for 7 years.

So again, whatever your buying motivation, savings or environment, at this
point in time, the EV is a social / political statement and is good neither
for your pocketbook, nor the environment.

The startled buyer posted the letter online, and a small firestorm ensued.

In due course, that led to a sort-of-apology from Jason Wong, saying
Curtin's e-mail was "not a good sounding tone" [sic].

Wong then reiterated the point that a conventional Soul tops out at roughly
C$30,000, while the Soul EV is priced at C$40,000.

He did note, however, that the provincial government had just reinstated its
Clean Energy Vehicle incentive program (which will take effect April 1).

The Kia Soul EV will then be eligible for a point-of-purchase rebate of up
to C$5,000 (US $4,000).

Wong then criticized electric cars, using talking points about environmental
issues--nickel mining and the fuel burned by ships carrying cars from other

Then his note effectively shrugs, saying, "There is no point getting into
this as it boils down to perspective with strong points on both ends."

He went on to say

Unfortunately, the tone of my salesman was very very poor. The exact same
thing could have been said in a much more appropriate manner with less of a
tone of “you shouldn’t buy an EV because blah blah blah blah”.

And he ends by noting that Kia of Vancouver is not authorized to sell the
Soul EV in the first place.

In other words, rather than pointing the buyer to another Kia dealer that
carried the Soul EV, Curtin deprecated the buyer's reasons for wanting one,
selectively chose a few facts to use in talking down the car, and sneered at
electric cars as a "social/political statement" rather than practical

And then his sales manager did pretty much the same thing, in the guise of
an apology.

And dealerships wonder why the data shows most buyers dislike and feel taken
advantage of during the car-buying experience?

While their lobbyists work to make any other alternatives (direct online
sales) illegal?
[© 2015 Green Car Reports]
Kia Dealer Anti-Sells Soul EV, Bad Mouths Product – Manager Writes “Apology”
Many Car Dealers Don't Want To Sell Electric Cars: Here's Why
Electric Car Buyers Slam Dealer Experience; Dealers Don't Like 'Em Either
A Few Bad Eggs or a Continuing Epidemic: How Some Dealerships Still Can’t
(or Won’t) Sell Electric Cars
March 30, 2015 By Nikki Gordon-Bloomfield

Tesla stores: the way electric cars should be sold?
One Canadian customer was told by email not to bother with a Kia Soul EV by
a salesman
Of course, not all car sales people are bad. EV advocate and former LEAF
salesman Paul Scott was praised for his sales and service before he retired.

Think back four years, and the majority of car dealerships around the world
had little or no interest in electric, plug-in hybrid, or even hybrid
vehicles. Walk into a dealership back then to try and buy a greener car, and
you’d be more likely to find yourself being upsold on a larger, less
efficient model with a roaring V8 than you would be finding a dealer who
really wanted to help you on your quest to use less oil.

Thankfully, a lot has changed in the past four years, with a far larger
choice of hybrid and plug-in cars to choose from and more and more
dealerships embracing environmentally-conscious vehicles. And to be fair,
some must be doing a good job, with more than 115,800 plug-in vehicles sold
in the U.S. alone last year.

But if we were writing the plug-in sales report card for the auto dealer
industry right now, two recent stories that have come to our attention mean
that we’d be writing “Must try harder” right about now.

Despite rising sales and a market share that’s expanding far quicker than
the hybrid market of the early noughties, it seems some auto dealers still
can’t bring themselves to sell you a plug-in car. Or rather, they won’t.

Tesla:light. Chevy: night.
Our first story comes from Brooke Crothers, a contributor with Forbes, who
recently took a trip with his father to two dealerships in the town of
Devon, PA.  One, a combined Tesla store and service centre. The other, a
Chevy dealership. Interested to see what the two sales experiences would be
like, he visited one after another with his father to compare and contrast
the two.

The difference was like night and day.

[image] Are dealerships switched on to selling electric cars, or still
reluctant and misinformed?

“Tesla offers a glimpse of the future while the Chevy dealer is more like a
drive down memory lane,” he wrote.

As our friends at GreenCarReports note, Crothers’ original article is
required reading, but we’ll paraphrase it for you here. The Tesla store —
dedicated not only to selling the world’s fastest production electric sedan
but also to revolutionise the car buying experience — was clean, tidy, and
airy. The epitome of Tesla’s sales experience, even the service area could
have beaten a conventional auto dealer showroom.

“I buttonholed a guy in service,” he wrote.”He sounded more like an engineer
than a service guy. He described maintenance like he was fine tuning a
corporate server, not a car.”

The dealership for Chevy was completely different. As a volt owner himself,
Crothers already knew plenty about the car, but arrived to find a Chevy
dealer stocked to the brim with pickup trucks, a few sedans and a Corvette.
With the pickup trucks front and centre and the Corvette serving as eye
candy, a lone Chevy Volt was hidden out of sight in the corner of the lot,
without any sales literature or even a show model within the showroom

While the salesman argued that the outgoing Volt isn’t getting any marketing
right now thanks to the upcoming 2016 model year car, Crothers says this
isn’t the first Chevy dealer he’s seen set up that way.

To keep things fair however, we should note that Crothers points out his own
Chevy dealership — one in Los Angeles, California — is the antithesis of his
Pennsylvania experience. There, Volts adorn the lot and sales volumes are
high. But his local dealership also happens to be one of the biggest Volt
dealers in the U.S., so comparisons aren’t exactly fair.

The passive aggressive letter
But perhaps the most shocking sales practice we’ve seen to date comes from
Phil Curtin, an Internet sales manager at a Canadian Kia dealership just
north of the border in Vancouver, who — as InsideEVs explained last week —
wrote a disparaging reply criticising a potential customer who had enquired
about buying Kia’s all-electric Soul EV.

The buyer, who had contacted the dealership specifically to ask about the
Kia Soul EV, was told by Curtin that he shouldn’t be interested in the Soul
EV or any other electric car, saying that the car was “good neither for your
pocketbook, nor the environment.”

Obviously, this particular sales person hadn’t heard of the age-old mantra
of customer service which says the customer is always right. In fact, the
email is so unbelievable that you can see it below.

Thank you for your interest in the Soul EV.

Are you interested because you think an EV will save you money, or because
you believe it will be good for the environment? Because realistically, it
will do neither. The Carbon footprint of making the electric battery is
equivalent to driving the gas powered luxury Soul for 5 years, and the extra
8-10000 $ you will pay for an EV, would pay for gas in a 2.0 l GDI four
cylinder for 7 years.

So again, whatever your buying motivation, savings or environment, at this
point in time, the EV is a social / political statement and is good neither
for your pocketbook, nor the environment.

Best Regards,
Phil Curtin
Internet Sales Manager
Kia of Vancouver

After receiving the email, the prospective customer, rightly frustrated by
the rude and inconsiderate response, posted his email on a popular EV-owners
forum, where it received lots of attention and eventually caused the
dealership to write the following half-hearted-apology.


My name is Jason and I am one of the Sales Managers here at Kia Vancouver.
That email your friend received is not a good sounding tone.

I do apologize to your friend that such an email was sent in the first
place. If you could pass this on, that would be great.

There is some truth to the email though. A top of the line Kia Soul SX-L
(gasoline powered) is about $30000, where as an EV soul will run north of
$40000. However, the government just released an EV incentive as of today so
it may help lower the cost to consumers to get into EV powered vehicles.

It is debatable how “environmental friendly” EV cars really are. Nickel is
mined by big diesel powered machinery to gather materials to build
batteries. Cars are shipped around the world using big ships running on
fossil fuels. However, there is no point getting into this as it boils down
to perspective with strong points on both ends.

The one thing I do like to ask potential EV customers myself is whether they
believe that driving an EV will save them money in the long term. This is
not true right now because the cost of an EV car compared to its gasoline
counterpart is so much more expensive at the point of sale. Taking the Soul
for example, a $10000 price difference does indeed buy you a lot of gas
(e.g., $2000 per year on gas will get you 5 years of driving). Then we can
take into consideration that gasoline cars are known and likely more
reliable, regardless of the brand.

However, when it boils down to buying a car. It should only be the buyer’s
views that matter. We as sales people are only here to guide and give
information. Unfortunately, the tone of my salesman was very very poor. The
exact same thing could have been said in a much more appropriate manner with
less of a tone of “you shouldn’t buy an EV because blah blah blah blah”.

Lastly, we do not carry EV souls. Only two dealers in BC have the privilege
of selling them. If you have any more general questions for me George, you
may email or call me anytime. Send my apologies to your friend as well.

Best Regards,
Jason Wong
Pre-Owned & Internet Sales Manager

The arguments made by Mr. Wong are ones we’ve heard before, usually from
hardened gear heads than salespeople. But when they come from a dealership
that represents a brand which is just about to expand its sales presence —
albeit in a different country — we’re not sure quite what to say.

So, we’ll open it up to the floor. Are these just two (thankfully) rare
occasions where poor sales advice and dealer apathy contrast a mainstream of
more thoughtful, engaged plug-in sales staff? Or is this yet more proof of a
massive, endemic problem that illustrates the biggest barrier to plug-in car
sales isn’t the buyers but the salespeople?
Read more Soul EVLN items on evdl

For EVLN posts use:
Can you really afford to not B.C. incentive buy an electric car?
Huge Electric Car Purchase Rebates Returning To brings back SCRAPIT ice-4-EV program
Lamis Khamis @10mph deliberately ice-hit e-cyclist that made £300 dent Red River College's L3 EVSE is Manitoba’s 1st
EVLN: 2015 Kia Soul EV> The nearly perfect Electric Vehicle


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