Ben Goren wrote:

> Erm...I don't think you understand how these things work. I very, very
> much doubt it's like Weyland sought out the Tesla to race; rather, almost
> certainly, both of them showed up to the same event, ran in a number of
> races against all sorts of vehicles, and the Zombie and the Tesla just
> happened to get paired up for this particular race.

Erm... I don't believe you've met John Wayland (not Weyland) ;^>

It is possible that it was a random matchup, but it is (in my opinion) at 
*least* as likely that the race was specifically arranged.  While John is part 
of the team that built the car, I don't know if he was present at this 
particular race.  However, he has been known to arrange races between his White 
Zombie and select vehicles that happen to be at the track in the past.  John is 
*very* persuasive and charismatic, and has a distinct skill at setting up 
crowd-pleasing matches that his vehicle tends to win.



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