On 10/11/15 6:32 AM, Willie2 via EV wrote:
On 10/11/2015 08:03 AM, Chris Tromley via EV wrote:
So I find myself rather embarrassingly ill-equipped to advise my employer about installing EVSE stations. I can get to work and back OK if I drive
conscientiously, but not during winter.  An EVSE at work would be very
handy.  There are some receptive ears at work and there is a substantial
parking lot expansion coming up, so I convinced them to at least plan for getting some power out there. And I, being the closest thing they have to
an expert on EVSE, would get back to them with my recommendations.

Am I beating Robert to the punch here?

The really big question is whether your employer will foot the electric costs. If so, a multitude of 120vac connections are likely to be of FAR more use than a few commercial EVSEs. I suggest working up installation and operating costs of each. With a multitude of 120vac connections you remove all contention for the charge positions. And the added range will likely suit most everyone; charging at ~1kw will add 3-4 mph. 30+ miles for a work shift.

The SOLE advantage of a commercial EVSE is the ability to shift electric costs to the user. Tesla owners FAR prefer RV outlets which can supply 40 amps vs the typical 30 amps (or less) from a commercial EVSE. So, if your employer is willing to pay for the electricity, I would recommend one or two RV panels and MANY 120vac outlets.

For what its worth, Qualcomm has put in about 200 120vac connections in their various garages (and planning lots more). There are some L2 sprinkled about as well. In order to save the A/C, they put these connections in areas where there will NEVER be sunshine (a serious consideration in San Diego). This means, the EVs can do the slow charge during the day, stay cool, and allow the driver to go home with minimal A/C usage.

For your situation, if the areas were kept somewhat warm (compared to being outside in the wind and snow), that would also reduce the need for heavy heater usage (during winter).

Cheers, Peter
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