I still have a couple of Lee's battery monitor kits - circuit boards with
relays so that each battery can be monitored and charged individually if
needed.  It's a manual system by itself but it's designed to interface with
a simple processor board for automated control.  He has all plans and
details on line.  I have two sets of three boards (8 relays each for 24
total).  One set is assembled and one is not (needs about 8 hours of
soldering).  These are upgraded kits with better quality relays (20 amp I


On Sun, Nov 8, 2015 at 5:52 AM, EVDL Administrator via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org
> wrote:

> The list received in inquiry about battery regulators recently.  The poster
> dropped it in the middle of a thread so folks might not have noticed it.
> The gist of it is this, edited a bit to remove some excessive battery
> information:
> Could you help me with the zener battery regulators that are described in
> "Minimalist Battery Regulators" by Lee Hart, with modifications by Cor Van
> de Water?
> http://www.evdl.org/pages/hartregs.html
> I own a hybrid sailboat with 12 x 12 volt 155AH (C20) AGM batteries.
> I would like to install zener regulators to make sure that each battery
> gets
> the right voltage. Minimum voltage needs to be 12.18v, and maximum voltage
> needs to be no more than 14.6v.
> I like the Cor Van de Water design better because the life of a LED is much
> longer than a regular bulb.
> Can you tell me what Zener diode I need for Cor's version?  Two of 6.8 V?
> By the way, I was trying to buy the kits, but the link doesn't work, and
> it's for flooded batteries.  (Not sure what he means here. -- David)
> Thanks,
> Pascal Lardy
> David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
> EVDL Administrator
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> email address from the webpage http://www.evdl.org/help/ .
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