It's obviously a publicity stunt.
Anyone can throw a ton of batteries in a bus and do it.
Of course there are no technical specs or prices mentioned.

On 11/26/2015 8:23 PM, EVDL Administrator via EV wrote:
On 25 Nov 2015 at 21:46, Alan Arrison via EV wrote:

So the bus traveled at about 25mph. Totally unacceptable in a real
world situation.
Well, I'd guess that the city buses round these parts average less than that

But I know what you mean.  It's not a "real world" test.  It's more of a
promotional gimmick.  Maybe they think that purchasing agents for bus fleets
would be impressed by such a test, but I wonder how many really would.

And though I may have missed it, I didn't see any discussion of what the bus
(or the battery) will cost.  You can get impressive range with a silver-zinc
battery, for example, but the cost is insane.

(FWIW, an engineer I knew many years ago had once worked on designs for US
military submarine target drones.  He couldn't tell me much about them, but
he did say that they were powered by silver-zinc batteries. Your tax dollars
going up in smoke, I guess, but at least they weren't pulverizing lead or
cadmium in the ocean.)

David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
EVDL Administrator

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