City tells Algiers Point man to remove his electric vehicle charger, at
least for now
Nov. 30, 2015  JEFF ADELSON

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Vlad Ghelase with his electric car and charging station in front of his
Algiers Point home

Red tape threatens to pull the plug on man’s electric car charging station

After considering making the switch to an electric vehicle for years, Vlad
Ghelase finally bought a used Nissan Leaf two weeks ago.

Like many houses in older New Orleans neighborhoods, Ghelase’s lacks a
driveway, so he couldn’t put the charging station for the car next to his
Algiers Point house. Stretching a power cord across the sidewalk to the
street could present problems. So he had an electrician apply for a permit
to install a charging station next to the curb in front of his home.

And that’s when he ran into a problem that New Orleans apparently hasn’t yet
grappled with, but which is likely to become more common in the future: how
to deal with charging stations on the public property that lines the city’s

Ghelase said he’s been told his charger is in violation of the law and he
has to shut it down, giving him no way to keep his electric vehicle

City officials said they’re looking into what to do about both his charger
and what they expect to be an increasing number of similar situations in
coming years.

In the meantime, however, Ghelase said he’s been frustrated trying to figure
out how to get his charger into compliance with the law.

“That’s the irony of it. We’re in a red state with a Republican Legislature
that has incentives for electric vehicles, and the most progressive city in
the state is actually blocking it,” he said.

At least 11 people have received permits to put charging stations on their
property, according to city records. But those were actually on their
property, something that isn’t possible in areas of the city where driveways
are scarce.

From the city’s perspective, there are two separate problems with Ghelase’s
set-up, Director of Safety and Permits Jared Munster said. Anyone who builds
on city property must pay for it under rules designed to abide by the
prohibition against using public property for private gain, he said. In
addition, for safety reasons, the law prohibits allowing electrical wires to
cross property lines, even from a privately owned lot to the public right of
way in front of it, he said.

Neither of those presents insurmountable problems, Munster said.

The city’s Department of Property Maintenance could sign off on a lease of a
portion of the right of way, he said, though Ghelase said when he tried to
go that route he was told it wasn’t possible. As for the issue of crossing
property lines, Munster said the city’s Board of Building Standards and
Appeals could clear the way for Ghelase’s set-up.

But in the meantime, Munster said, the department is asking Ghelase to
disconnect his charging station.

Officials from the Department of Safety and Permits and the Department of
Property Maintenance plan to meet to discuss Ghelase’s specific issue and,
potentially, the broader topic of how to permit such charging stations in
the future.

“It’s absolutely something we’re looking at,” Munster said. “This is going
to become a more common issue. The more electric vehicles are on the road,
the more it’s going to happen.”

The issue has come up only once before, when a property owner Uptown
requested a permit for a similar set-up. At the time, city officials did not
realize that installation was going to be on public property and so issued a
permit, though they’re planning to revisit the issue, Munster said.

Another problem is that a charging station in the right of way next to the
street would not give its owner a specific claim to the adjacent parking
spot, and he couldn’t prevent others from using the charger.

Ghelase said he’d already been working under that assumption, based on
regulations in place in Berkeley, California. He handed out fliers based on
Berkeley’s law to his neighbors, letting them know the charger didn’t give
him any special rights and they could use both the spot and the station.

Jeff Cantin, owner of Solar Alternatives, said his company has installed
several chargers for residents and has not run into any problems. But with
the price of electric vehicles coming down and interest in the technology
rising, he said, New Orleans should look to other cities that have
instituted a streamlined process to allow chargers in front of people’s

“Other cities around the country have figured this out,” Cantin said.
“Fortunately, as usual, New Orleans is a little bit behind the times, and we
can look to those examples.”
[© 2015 Capital City Press]
N.O. blocking curbside electric car charger
December 1, 2015  David Hammer

NEW ORLEANS -- As a United Nations conference on climate change kicks off in
Paris and world leaders call for lower carbon emissions worldwide, an
Algiers Point resident is challenging the city of New Orleans to be more
welcoming to zero-emissions electric cars.

Vlad Ghelase purchased an electric Nissan Leaf three weeks ago. Like most
homeowners in the older parts of the city, he has no off-street parking, so
he ran an extension cord from his house to his car to charge it at night.

A neighbor complained after tripping over the cord that ran across the

So Ghelase hired an electrician to install a curbside charging station,
which sits about 4 feet high on a wooden post and connects underground to
his home’s electric meter. The Historic District Landmarks Commission
approved the project, so Ghelase thought the electrician could proceed.

Not so, says the city. An inspector saw the finished charging station and
said it was a private improvement to public land, which is not permitted.
The city ordered Ghelase to remove it by the end of this week or his
electricity will be shut off.

He said that’s a flimsy argument when sculptures on neutral grounds, bike
racks on public sidewalks, newspaper boxes on street corners and cable
connections on power poles are all private improvements on public property.

“I think there’s a lot stronger public interest in allowing 80 percent of
the city’s residents to own an electric car, more so than even getting Cox
TV or looking at fish sculptures downtown,” Ghelase said.

Ghelase and other alternative energy advocates say it’s shortsighted for a
city that has signed on to the Resilient Cities initiative to drastically
cut its emissions, one that is the most endangered when it comes to
sea-level rise and other impacts of global warming.

“I think Vlad’s running into what any folks doing a new technology in a new
market like this run into, in that they get to where the city’s just never
seen this before,” said Jeff Cantin, whose company Solar Alternatives has an
electric vehicle fleet and installed seven charging stations around town.
“Fortunately we can look to other cities that are a couple years ahead of us
to look, what have they done?”

Public charging stations are plentiful along the West Coast, and the city of
Berkeley, Calif., has a detailed process for residents to install curbside
chargers. In Philadelphia, residents and businesses can pay up to $550 to
have the city parking authority install a charging unit for them and set
aside an on-street parking spot.

Landrieu’s press secretary, Hayne Rainey, said the city is looking into the
issue, but current law does not allow residents to lease space on the curb
for installing charging stations.

The lag in New Orleans is surprising because it’s a progressive haven in a
conservative state, Ghelase said, especially when it’s the
Republican-controlled State Legislature that provided a 36-percent tax
credit for the purchase of electric vehicles and charging stations.

In fact, this year the Legislature voted to increase the tax credit to 50
percent for cars or systems purchased after June 30, 2018.

“It’s ironic that the biggest tax credit in the country was coming from the
Louisiana Legislature, one of the reddest in the country, and New Orleans,
one of the most liberal cities in the country, has nothing to encourage
solar panels” or electric vehicles, Ghelase said.

“They’ve had 10 years since the electric cars came out and became mainstream
to come up with a policy to allow private curbside electric charging
installs,” Ghelase said.

The community of electric vehicle owners is still relatively small in New
Orleans. Jeff Cantin, owner of rooftop solar installer Solar Alternatives
and head of the Gulf States Renewable Energy Industries Association, said
there are about 100 in the city, but the demand for charging stations is

“There’s getting to be a few more in town, so you see the need for more as
they get more vehicles and people are asking around,” Cantin said.

Solar Alternatives has helped install seven charging stations around town
that use 240 Volts, including two at each of the Whole Foods locations in
the city. That type of charge takes up to four hours to fully charge a
typical electric vehicle, while converting the charge from a regular
household 120-Volt outlet can take 12 hours for a full charge.

Solar Alternatives also helped get a donation from Nissan Motors to install
the state’s only DC fast-charging station at the Rouse’s Market downtown. It
can fully charge most electric cars – except the larger Teslas – in just 20
minutes. Those smaller cars can go about 80 miles on a full charge.

So far, most of the publicly available charging stations are free to use,
with businesses like Whole Foods and Rouse’s picking up the tab to provide
the electricity. The basic etiquette is for the car owners to shop at the
store while charging their vehicle there.

“It’s interesting. You see a lot of the need for it when you go somewhere to
charge and somebody’s there,” Cantin said. “You say, ‘Gee, I wish there was
somewhere else I could go.’”

That’s why privately installed charging stations on public property are so
useful, Ghelase said. There’s a smart phone application called the PlugShare
App where anyone can find area charging stations on a map, with information
about each one.

His is marked on the map with a note saying it’s free to anyone, as long as
he isn’t using the charger at the moment.

It only takes about $1.80 worth of electricity to fully charge the typical
electric car, Ghelase said, but it doesn’t even cost him that much. He
produces all of his household energy with his solar panels, and he said they
paid for themselves years ago.

While the state’s tax credit program for the nascent electric car industry
is extremely generous, its progressive solar tax credit is far more popular,
much more costly and therefore, about to come to an end. That’s why Ghelase
says it’s high time for the city to step up to the plate.
City Says No to Algiers Point Man's Electric Car Charger
December 2, 2015

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