Hi George and All,                   My health has caused me to 
not live on the water now so the Tri main hull/cabin has turned into a very 
aero travel trailer that I'm living in now.                   I'll be doing the 
same things on land though and likely design, build solar boats for others and 
for various boat companies as I move to St Pete after selling my home.          
         Likely concentrate on building composite  EV's and solar plug and play 
and wind systems.                                                               
 Jerry Dycus                                       
      From: George McNeir <m...@qson.net>
 To: jerry freedomev <freedo...@yahoo.com> 
Cc: via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org>
 Sent: Saturday, February 13, 2016 11:15 PM
 Subject: Re: [EVDL] EV Boat

Thank you for your 3 following concerns…...

1. In winds or getting caught in a fast tide the boat could be out of control 
and you don't have enough power to handle it.

>>Every boater should factor their boat, their experience & limitations, 
>>applying the sum to the area of passage, navigating accordingly.
There will never be enough power to overcome stupidity.

2. While it can move some in good conditions, weather can go bad fast.

>>Make sure that sentence is on a nice shiny brass plate attached prominently 
>>to your helm.

3. What I said still stands, ignore it if you want but my 45 yr boat design, 
building, sailing, solar and powering experience says 
you need to be very careful and have multiple large anchors.

>>Many would be interested in your boat designs and boat builds. 
How is your "34 foot trimaran sail/solar powered 20 mph sail or gas power 
retirement home" coming along?
Perhaps you might share this and your gallery of past and current marine work?



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