i'm almost 70 and have been investing for over 40+ years, however the EVDL is 
supposed to be for EV's, including EV boats so..

      From: Mark Abramowitz <ma...@enviropolicy.com>
 To: robert winfield via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> 
Cc: robert winfield <winfield...@yahoo.com>
 Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 12:29 PM
 Subject: OT - Re: [EVDL] Go Tesla go!
Hard to predict the future. You invested in speculative stocks. Nothing wrong 
with taking a profit, either all or some. But spec stocks are just that - 
speculative. You should be prepared to lose all or some of it. And they should 
only be part of a diversified portfolio.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 10, 2017, at 5:48 AM, robert winfield via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:
> /rant on
> i will only comment about stocks _once_ since this is EVDL list
> around 1990 i bought 100 shares of AMER for $30/share, and sold them for 
> $40/share, a tidy $1,000 profit!AMER changed it's name to AOL, split 128x, 
> topped out at $100/share.I took $1,000 profit, and missed $1,280,000 because 
> I was impatient over 1.2 million dollars.
> I was told to buy AAPL 31 years ago but it wasn't "exciting enough" (apple)It 
> split 56X and would be worth, to me $8,724/share or $872,480, if i had done 
> so and just been patient, but i didn't
> I intend to hold my Tesla stock 30 more years or my death and my children 
> inherit it, like I should have done AAPL, and others.I expect, but I may be 
> horrifically wrong and lose everything, but i doubt that, however the stock 
> market is merciless., Tesla vehicles and the entire Tesla ecosystem, Tesla 
> energy, SpaceX, hyperloop, neural link, Mars, the incipient lunar colony, all 
> the rest, to be worth 10-20 times as much, in the next 10-20-30 years, 
> electric vehicles, the entire ecosystem that will address the electric 
> ecosystem the planet is transisitioning to, away from fossil fuels
> /rant off, back to EV's
>      From: Michael Ross via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org>
> To: Electric Vehicle Discussion List <ev@lists.evdl.org> 
> Cc: Michael Ross <michael.e.r...@gmail.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 12:20 AM
> Subject: Re: [EVDL] Go Tesla go!
> Mark is exactly right, a short is a bet that the share price will drop in
> the near term. It is not a vote that Tesla will fail in the long term.
> Personally, I never buy with the thought of selling.  I try to buy
> enterprises that have a chance of big success in a long time frame, like 5
> to 10 years. Otherwise, I buy total market index shares. In the short term,
> it is hard to be better than the market as a whole, but the long term
> investor has a potential to beat the market in a longer time frame with
> individual stock picks.
> I own Tesla stock, but not so much that I would lose sleep over its bad
> treatment by the market.  The market is generally concerned with the next
> week or quarter, not 5 or 10 years.  I would venture that many investors in
> Tesla are willing to buy at what looks like an elevated price because they
> believe in the long term prospects. Sounds like Fidelity feels this way in
> the article.
> My last purchase came when Tesla committed to the Gigafactory. I consider
> the battery business to be far more likely to show a profit than the auto
> manufacturing business. I will buy more when I see some expansion of the
> battery business. I think the short sellers are unconcerned with such long
> term ideas as mega Watts of batteries for sale.
> Breaking into the car industry is a very hard thing to do.  Despite share
> valuation, companies like Ford and GM have incredible resources. You are
> seeing established car companies moving into the EV space and they can
> muster immense human can capital resources.  Tesla shows the way and the

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