Electric car weighs 310kg, can hit speeds of 80kmh and is made from sugar
beets video
November 7 2017  

[image  / AOL
Lina EV

video  flash

A team of students from the Netherlands has designed and built an electric
car entirely out of recycled material.

The tiny four-seater electric concept - called Lina - weighs just 310
kilograms and can reach a top speed of 80 kmh.

Lina was the brain child of the students from Eindhoven University of
Lina, as the car's been named, could lead the way in vehicles made entirely
from recycled material.

Lina, as the car's been named, could lead the way in vehicles made entirely
from recycled material.

The car is made entirely of bio plastics made from sugar beets.

Having received a safety certificate, Lina became road legal this summer.

The students now say it will be presented to the general public and experts
in an attempt to raise environmental awareness.

They're not the first to build an electric car solely out of recyclables.

In March this year, a group of Canterbury University students created what
they believed to be a world first – a fully recyclable electric car.

That car was made entirely out of vacuum-formed plastic weighed 130kg,
produced up to 5kW of power from its battery pack and does up to 40kmh.
[© 2017 Fairfax New Zealand]
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... like metal can. Dutch students have grown an electric biodegradable car
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