EVLN: I-Pace design inspiration from C-X75 hybrid& F-PACE ice hood scoop (v)
This Is What Its Like to Ride in Jaguar's First All-Electric Vehicle
A year ago, during a presentation in Milk Studios in Hollywood, Jaguar
revealed to the world its vision for its first all-electric vehicle. Now
we're finally getting a chance to experience, albeit briefly, how the SUV
known as I-PACE will perform once it goes into production next year ...
EVLN: USDoE used inaccurate data2 Map-Out trans-US EVSE infrastructure>
(tax$ wasted)
DoE Maps Out 4 Possible Charging Station Scenarios For US
The US DOE's Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy recently
highlighted the National Renewable Energy Laboratory's (NREL) report on
several potential scenarios of how the electric vehicle charging
infrastructure will look like in 2030. The report assumes some 15 million
plug-in vehicles to be on the roads in ...

Swedish Uniti electric car comes with 5 years of free electricity
Uniti is on a mission to create an intelligent, small electric car – and
they just partnered with energy company E.ON to provide customers with five
years of free solar ... Sustainability drives Uniti, and they wanted to go a
step further than manufacturing an electric car ...
Eco-tourists will be skipping> public EVSE is good business
City plugs into future with electric car charger
Australian Electric Vehicle Association member Rob Dean has travelled across
the Nullarbor in his Tesla vehicle and said he would love to see more people
going electric. “People will stop and spend money in regions with electric
car chargers” ...

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