EVLN: GM Korea importing 5000 383km U.S. made Bolt EVs in 2018
"With its drive range of 383 kilometers, you don't need to charge the Bolt
EV every day. I also drive the Bolt EV in the United States and charged it
only once a week. With a model like the Bolt EV, you don't need to look
around to find charging stations every day ...

Make Your New Year's Resolution an Electric Solution!
December 26th, 2017  Ringing in the New Year with hope is a longstanding
tradition that has existed since ancient times. In Rome, they celebrated the
god of change and beginnings, Janus, for whom the month was named. His two
faces symbolized looking back into the past and looking ahead to the new,
and this symbolic time for the Romans ...
Ex-Faraday Future employees form EV start-up
December 24, 2017  Several former Faraday Future employees have joined
forces to start a new company named Evelozcity. The oddly-named start-up is
the brainchild of Stefan Krause, the former BMW employee who either quit
Faraday Future or was fired, depending on whose account you choose to
believe. He was the company's financial ...

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