There are a few technical problems with flywheel energy storage and moving 
vehicles.There is a term called "precession"It's why a gyroscope stands up when 
spinning and doesn't fall over. If you push it over it resists and pushes 
back.If you force it over it goes in a different direction. It "wants" to point 
in 1 direction.Put a 70,000 revolution per minute gyroscope in a car. You can 
drive in a straight line only. If you try to turn, you cannot because you have 
25+ kilowatts saying otherwise.The car will "precess" around the gyroscope (ie 
roll over slowly or violently)Then the gyroscope will slip off its bearings and 
catastrophic disassembleThe new term is RUDWe had an ultracentrifuge spinning 
70,000 rpm, it was a pyramidal shaped cylinder that exploded.It "slamdanced" 
for about 20 minutes it's container , about the size of a refrigerator, hitting 
walls, bleeding off energy.I think gyroscopes may be good for stationary 
storage, although Beacon energy, that was pushing it also had an explosion of 
its energy storage.You also have to continually recertification the centrifuges 
and take out of use as they still have limited life spans, not good for cars

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  On Fri, Feb 9, 2018 at 3:17 AM, Paul Compton via EV<> wrote: 
  As I recall, there was a company that had produced a commercial 30kWh
flywheel storage system. Ideal for peak load shaving,
voltage/frequency stabilisation, and buying off peak to use during the
day etc. Cycle life was essentially infinite with the rotor spinning
on magnetic bearings in an evacuated chamber.

It wasn't physically small, something like 4 meters tall.

JET, the joint European torus fusion research facility uses flywheel
storage to provide the enormous peak power needed to drive the
magnetic bottle.

"The main source of power for establishing the magnetic fields
required for inducing and confining the plasma current in the machine
consists of the two identical Flywheel-Generator-Convertor (FGC)

At the heart of each system is a 409.8 MVA fly-wheel ALSTOM generator,
with its own auxiliaries including oil systems, air-cooling system,
pony motor, excitation equipment, LV distribution for supply of
auxiliaries and HV distribution for generator excitation and pony
motor drive."

On 8 February 2018 at 16:20, Dan Kegel via EV <> wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 7, 2018 at 2:30 PM, Robert Bruninga via EV
> <> wrote:
>> I wonder how big a flywheel is needed to store the energy to charge a 250
>> mile range in 20 minutes?
>> Since it is fixed, and does not have to be in a vehicle, it might be the
>> answer to large charging stations.
>> When ten TESLAs pull up at ten fast charge cords at the same time, that is
>> over a megawatt of needed power... in 20 minutes...
> That application doesn't capitalize on the flywheel's ultrafast
> charging and discharging abilities.
> And smoothing can be done by modulating the teslas' charging rates.
> But hey, who knows.  See
> for recent related papers.
> - Dan
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