I want to re-offer this vehicle to the list, before posting it on

Let me know if you have questions or want to see the vehicle.



From: Cor van de Water 
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2017 3:07 PM
To: ev@lists.evdl.org
Subject: For sale: Dodge Rampage truck with Leaf drivetrain


Many years ago this truck was converted to EV, using lead-acid.

Today it has a 2013 Leaf drivetrain, including the Leaf's front struts

but retaining its original rear axle (this always was a front drive

The body style is similar to the El Camino, but very light and efficient

2-seater with attached pickup bed.


This vehicle needs to go to someone who loves to finish a conversion

All the big things are done: the drivetrain is working and the Leaf's
computers and

wire loom is routed around the vehicle, a battery box matching the Leaf

but a lot of details still need attention,

especially the re-installation of the original dash cover and finding a
good way

to mount the Leaf display in it, finish the floor boards and re-paint
the car.


I don't have time right now and I don't want it sitting idle while
someone can

enjoy working on it and driving it.

Price is negotiable, mainly depending on the quality of the pack you
want with it.

Located in Silicon Valley.


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