Is Sion Power’s Licerion Lithium Battery What The Electric Aviation World
Has Been Waiting For?
April 2nd, 2018  Nicolas Zart


Battery Technology: Sion Power Lithium Sulfer Licerion Overview

It sounds as if the electric aviation news industry has somewhat tapered
down, giving a chance for other competing electric mobility industries to
make it into the limelight. But that doesn’t mean that the electric aviation
industry is sitting idly either. In fact, Sion Power just announced a
“breakthrough” in its Licerion lithium battery chemistry.

Licerion Lithium Battery Takes A Shot At Electric Aviation

Sion Power Licerion rechargeable lithiumSion Power made quite a stir when it
announced it was ready for the production of its patented Licerion
rechargeable lithium metal battery by late 2018 in its Tucson, Arizona
facility. As to what a Licerion rechargeable lithium battery is, that’s a
good question. Sion Power claims that it is 60% lighter than conventional
Li-ion batteries, which could seriously boost the potential of electric
aviation and the company’s unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) products. It
supposedly offers a mouthwatering 500 Wh/kg, 1,000 Wh/L, and 450 cycle
battery. And the best part is that if these numbers are good enough for the
electric aviation industry, they surely are even better for road-bound
electric vehicle (EV) markets.

Still, we need more details. This isn’t an April 1 joke, but it’s also
unclear how good the offer is and what might be missing. Individually, the
Licerion cells measure 10 cm x 10 cm x 1 cm (roughly 4? x 4? by .3?) and
offer 20 Ah for the highest energy density combination currently available.
At the core, a metallic lithium thin-film anode was designed with a host of
physical and chemical levels of protection to enhance the safety and the
lifespan of its lithium batteries. By combining these anodes with
traditional lithium-ion intercalation cathodes, the company hopes to not
only reach these high-energy-density numbers but to have them manufactured
by year-end.

Sion Power Licerion rechargeable lithium

Tracy Kelley, Chief Executive Officer of Sion Power, recently stated, “Over
the last decade Sion Power, and our research partner BASF, have
strategically focused on meticulous research and development of a
next-generation lithium battery. … The result of our team’s efforts will be
seen in a safe lithium metal battery that is in a class by itself. We are on
track to deliver product to a select group of partners by the end of 2018.”

The Never-Ending Quest For High-Energy-Density Batteries

Over the past decade, we’ve seen a few prospective battery chemistries vie
for the lucrative newly budding EV market — from lithium-air, to sulfur, to
mysterious solid-state batteries. Although each has their pros and cons, the
results have always been decidedly better than what the current generation
of batteries could offer. Once ironing out the last technological hurdles,
mass manufacturing needs to be solved and eventually begin. This is where
the wheat is separated from the chaff.

With various new batteries demonstrating what seems to be excellent
performance for EVs, once thing is becoming more and more clear — there
isn’t a silver-bullet approach that is a perfect solution for EVs, not even
a silver buckshot. On the contrary, there are and will continue to be many
good approaches.

If it is to work out as dreamed and pitched, though, the Sion Power Licerion
battery could be one of the first to bring commercial electric flight to the
mass market ...
[© Sustainable Enterprises Media]

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