% Only charge to 100% on long trips& only to 70% for daily use %

Tesla batteries retain more than 90% capacity past 160,000 miles, informal
study shows
April 15, 2018  William Gayde

(Tesla pack)

(chart - range vs remaining capacity)

Data was gathered collectively by hundreds of Tesla owners in Europe

While traditional gasoline powered cars can more or less travel the same
distance on a tank of gas over their whole lifetime, electric cars don't
quite work that way. Electric batteries degrade over time and this is one of
the biggest hurdles to overcome when producing an effective electric
vehicle. New crowd-sourced data from Tesla vehicles shows however that their
batteries perform surprisingly well over time.

The information has been gathered by a group of dedicated European Tesla
owners and is publicly available online [
]. Originally reported by Electrek, the data shows that the vehicle battery
packs have roughly a 5% degradation in capacity after 30,000 miles (50,000
km). Although this is not official lab-generated data, it may in fact be
more useful since it represents what real users would experience.

Going further, the battery packs retain more than 90% of their initial
capacity after more than 160,000 miles. It's not until roughly 180,000 miles
that the packs start to dip below 90%.

Despite Tesla's strict quality control measures, we can clearly see that not
all batteries are the same. The owners that gathered these data tried to
account for the outliers by taking into consideration how frequently the
packs were charged, but came to no conclusion. Battery experts [
] recommend charging up to 70% on normal days and only going up to 100% for
long trips.

Tesla explicitly does not cover battery degradation in their warranty for
the Model S and X, but includes a 70% capacity guarantee for the upcoming
Model 3. Electrek also reports that the Nissan Leaf, another fully electric
car, loses roughly 20% of its capacity over the first five years. This shows
that from a battery perspective, Tesla's price premium is certainly worth
[© techspot.com]

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Apr 14, 2018  Battery degradation is often a big concern for new electric
vehicle buyers. To a certain degree, the Nissan Leaf might be to blame since
it had a lot of issues in that regard, which is why Nissan has a much more
comprehensive battery capacity warranty now. A recent study shows that with
the original 24 kWh pack loses ...

EVLN: Inside A Tesla 2170 Battery Cell (v)
New Video Takes You Inside A Tesla 2170 Battery Cell
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Cities running on car batteries? Just so crazy it might work
April 14, 2018 ... Maguire ... outside Dublin ...'s constant power outages
... found a solution inside his electric cars: their batteries  A tinkerer
who posts videos of his hand-built vehicles on Youtube, Maguire devised a
wiring system … By allowing car batteries to serve as a residential power
source, Nissan says its vehicle-to-home service cuts utility bills by about
$40 per month ... about 7,000 car owners have adopted the system in the six
years since it started ...

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