EVLN: Cheap e-Kugel 4/7seat w/ PV-roof r:180km
Ukrainian alternative to the electric Smart car will appear this year
16.04.2018  The start of serial production of electric cars is scheduled to
launch in 2018. Engineer from Ukraine Andrey Guzowski created a prototype of
a cheap electric Kugel, which can on a single charge to drive 180-220 km and
Its price is 9.5 tis. Euro. At the same time completely charge the battery
of the car in 20 minutes ...
EVLN: An EV-PV adopter's quest> charging on sunshine
Yes, Your Electric Car Can Charge On Sunshine
Charging on sunshine is a quest of many an EV-PV adopter. Many critics are
quick to claim EVs not charging during the solar hours are still dirty
energy devices. This argument has been debunked for some time here. And by
no means does it diminish the importance of offsetting one's usage with the
solar or wind energy ...

Eli Zero is a weirdly ambitious electric vehicle that's taking pre-orders on
2018-04-19  The Eli Zero, a two-seater electric vehicle that looks
suspiciously like a go-kart with doors, has, in its first few days of
crowdfunding, already surpassed its $20,000 goal. We'll be the first to
admit that this thing looks absurdly fun to drive. Its compact size makes it
ideal for zipping around the city, or for quick jaunts to the grocery ...
ChargePoint’s Home Unit Serves EV Users on the Move
Measuring the amount of energy an electric car consumes isn’t as easy as
reading a gas pump. For our testing purposes, in most cases we have relied
on either a very simple and portable in-line submeter for 120-volt charging
or a single 240 …

(ott) Ask TMC,HMC& Hyundai 10 compliance-fcv Earth-Day Questions
Earth Day: 10 Questions On Hydrogen Fuel-Cell Cars To Ask Toyota, Honda &
Apr 20, 2018 ...

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