From the Seattle Times, this morning.

Washington State Ferries announced plans Thursday to convert its three largest vessels from running on diesel fuel to electric power over the next several years. ... The hybrid ferries would mostly run on electric power and use the diesel engines for backup and to recharge the batteries as part of an effort to cut fuel costs and reduce the state’s carbon footprint. Ultimately, the state hopes to install onshore charging stations that would allow the ferries to run solely on electric power. ... By July 2019, Washington State Ferries is hoping to buy the needed equipment and begin designing onshore charging stations. ... Once charging stations are in place, the ferries would be plugged in at each of the docks as passengers and vehicles are unloaded and loaded. ... The Tacoma, Puyallup and Wenatchee account for 26 percent of all diesel and fuel emissions of the 22-boat fleet.
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