Hi all dear EVDL friends.

Thought you’d all appreciate to know how we solved the home and office
charging issues here (Finland). This is probably something quite different
what you’ve seen so far. Aim is to have electricity on all parking places
with excellent cost efficiency. Actually I think I’ve posted earlier about
this years back but here’s an update to you all.

Naturally I still have my hands deeply in the li-ion jar and building
battery systems and battery cells (LiFePO4) here. Containerized solutions
etc. while this update is not about this. It’s another startup of mine. :)

I know many of you on the EVDL are in US but also plenty from other regions
which are a bit more closer by. We pulled this compeny on crowd fuding
platform as we’re coming to other regions now.

So please check the details here: https://www.invesdor.com/en/pitches/906

On many locations EV drivers have no specific parking spots and arranging
the charging opportunity to all equally is tricky. We had here the oddity
of having those close to 2 million sockets already by the parking spots
(for ICE block heating) for about 50 years. So there’s a track record of
about billion plug-in events and we’re learned from them.  And so this came

If any of you are intersted to cooperate at any level please let me know.

EVDLer since 199x (who could remember anything two decades back?  :P   )

P.S.- I hope you don’t feel this is spam or such. In case you do please
send me privately as angry message as you can. ;)
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