I’ve got a shop in West Berkeley, working mostly on EV land-speed racing 
(Bonneville and El Mirage) and some street cars, all steel bodies from the 
‘30s, so far.  We just lost one of our fabricators, and need to fill the 
position.  Ideally we’d like someone with a fair bit of automotive fabrication 
experience, ideally with a racing background, who also understands at least the 
basics of EVs.  We’re mostly using Rinehart inverters and Siemens motors, 
though there’s a fair bit of tinkering with other things.  The guy we lost was 
the only one with any suspension experience, so it would be nice to replace 
that in the same person as well.

We don’t pay a lot, but that’s kind of par for the course in racing.  Laid-back 
environment, flexible hours (this position can be anywhere from full time to 
half time), health insurance.  Long-term stable (the guy who left had been here 
seven years, the other two have been here more than ten years).  Right by the 
Ashby avenue exit off 880.

If you know anybody who’d be interested, please put them in touch with me.



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