
% Here's a link to help/support what Lawrence posted about:
A LED lamp or LED light bulb is an electric light for use in light fixtures
that produces light using light-emitting diode (LED). ... As of 2016, LEDs
use only about 10% of the energy an incandescent lamp requires ...

[some brucedp history] ... after finishing my Vietnam era 70-74 military
requirement and was 'back in the world'
 (U.S.A.), leds were not (but should have been) well marketed for use as
lighting. Old school thinking still touted using more (up-front) expensive
flouresent lighting to save electricity costs over (ancient-tech)
incandescents. I had a hard time understanding that when leds were (as
Lawrence mentioned) so much more energy efficient. But then back then, I
also had a hard time breathing the raw gasoline fumes as ice drove by, and
the lack of vapor controls at gas pumps.

[fast-forward 4 decades] ... as I previously posted, I am making efforts to
relocate closer to the San Antonio (SA), TX VA (Veterans) Hospital facility
(VA sez I can't get assigned there until I have a SA mailing address - think
old school government/military paper metrics). Until then, I am running back
and forth between where I have been staying since the beginning of the year
(near the Temple, TX VA Hospital) and going hours south to work with a SA

The owners of the place I am staying at have been kind to me. Locals wonder
why I am paying twice as much for a room at this business rather than at an
apt at half the cost (and a 1yr long lease). But it seems my continuous
monthly stay is funding repairs and upgrades for the owners ...

When the 4ft dual tube flouresent ceiling light fixture
 in my room started flickering, the owner replaced it with a 1ft x 1ft 12W
led ceiling panel
 The owner also replaced some of their outdoor florescent lighting with
these led panels. They are bright, cost effective, and will have a much
longer life.

Below are links to newswire items. The 1st is how off peak charging lets UK
EV charging use the existing grid (hopefully they will still be planning
grid upgrades over time).  The 2nd is how EV ignorant IL media says L2
charging will blow up existing pole transformers (don't you just love their
stoopid statements that are really just their opinions?). And 3rd,once 
again north-western European countries are showing the way to be green by
reducing ice-generator use to power festivals:  %

Ofgem to incentivise EV owners to charge off-peak
25/07/2018   -10 hours ago  Ofgem has set out proposals to support the
millions of new electric vehicles (EVs) ... more flexible use of the energy
system will allow more EVs to be charged from the existing grid and reduce
the need for expensive new power stations and extra grid capacity to be
built ... make the electricity system more efficient by giving generators
and other users more choice and flexibility on how they connect to the grid
Electric car drivers should use 'flexible charging' to save money and reduce
drain on grid
24 July 2018  

(IL EV-ignorance BS/misinformation)
Springfield encourages off peak charging for electric cars
Jul 23, 2018  Level 2 chargers use far more power than most residential
appliances. Drawing that much power can strain local transformers. Local
transformers make it possible for consumers to use the wider grid, but they
can only handle so much power at a time. Most transformers are only rated
for 10 to 50kVA, and single Level 2 charger can draw 7kV. A cluster of Level
2 chargers could potentially overload the local transformers. This is
especially true in the summer months when air conditioners are running and
the normal electrical load is much higher.
To avoid potential overloads, the city wants Level 2 owners to charge their
vehicles in off peak hours ...

Festivalgoers benefit from battery tech advances
Jul 24, 2018  Greener and Alfen joined forces ... as the “world's first
fully mobile and off-grid EV charging hub” ...displace portable diesel
generators on the northern European festival scene ... partners removed the
tell-tale roar of portable diesel generators from the Awakenings Easter
Special in Amsterdam.nl

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