A little more information on my setup. The setup I have is a zilla 1K
controller netgain 9 inch motor and the BMS is called the intelligent BMS
which is designed I believe for small packs like for bicycles. It has the
ability to turn off the load and the charger through a bank of mosfets but
it can only handle 10 amps. I have a relay and a power supply hooked to the
output and I use that to trigger a relay which then triggers a warning
light or opens a relay to turn off the charger. I have a 30 cell for the
front batteries and a 12 cell for the back. I'm using the thunder struck
charger with its evcc controller. It has two wires for the bms cell Loop
and when they are connected together we have no light,or ok  to go.  light
comes on when the loop is open in drive mode. In charge mode it turns the
charger off when the loop is open light to charge.   I am having the cell
Loop light coming on when there is slow acceleration.   I tried putting a
33 k resistor in series with the .47 uf capacitor and this may have made
things better I'm not sure I'll do more testing tomorrow. I'm open to any
ideas, everything works when in charge mode. Steve Clunn

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