Tesla sued over claims it ran man's dream car project off the road 



A New Zealand man is suing Tesla after it refused to support the car he 
rebuilt from a wreck in a case that has put the spotlight on the electric 
carmaker´s approach to secondhand vehicles.

Niall Darwin, from the small town of Raglan, built his dream car and had it 
certified by Tesla, but without its ongoing approval of the vehicle, he says 
charging its battery will take hours and out-of-date software could 
eventually make it defunct. ...

In Australia, written-off cars can be used only for parts. However, New 
Zealand allows cars to be shipped, rebuilt and made road legal.

The case began a year ago when Darwin saw a wrecked Tesla S90D up for 
auction in Australia. In good condition it would cost about $160,000. Darwin 
bought the car for $40,000. ...

Darwin had it fixed, recertified and approved by Tesla and then shipped it 
back to New Zealand. He said the rebuild cost him about $60,000. But when he 
went to go fill it up at Tesla´s "supercharger" station in nearby Hamilton, 
his new car told him it was not supported. ...

Tesla finally got back to him saying it would not offer supercharging or 
support because it was an insurance write-off in Australia. However, New 
Zealand allows cars to be shipped, rebuilt and made road legal.

In a statement to Newshub, Tesla said customer safety was of the upmost 
importance to the company and this was an isolated case because of it being 
an insurance write-off. "Due to the extreme amount of damage that this 
vehicle had, we are not comfortable it is safe and do not want to do 
anything that could increase this risk even further."

After Darwin made a video and put it on YouTube, Tesla offered him fast 
charging - a slower way of recharging the car. ...

The car owner called the move "a total contradiction", saying if Tesla was 
worried about safety it shouldn´t have given him fast charging. ...

He has now filed a claim in the New Zealand Disputes Tribunal, which settles 
matters for a maximum of $15,000. Darwin said the whole saga has cost him 
about $25,000.

David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
EVDL Administrator

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