On 5 Oct 2018 at 11:31, Lee Hart via EV wrote:

> Great batteries; but only good for a couple hundred cycles life.  

I recall reading that it was more like a couple DOZEN cycles.

> I think they actually achieved a range of over 1000 miles? Besides not 
> mentioning that using a ton of silver batteries, they neglected to 
> mention that the vehicle was essentially a golf cart, driven on a closed track
> at low speeds for days.

Right!  From what I can find in my archives, it was 1043 miles, some time 
around 1997. I can't find the original reference at the moment, though. I'll 
scout around a little more.

I'd forgotten about that demonstration until you mentioned it.  I was 
actually thinking of an earlier BAT publicity stunt, in the late 1980s or 
early 1990s.  They made a run of several hundred miles with one of their 
subcompact conversions, a Geo Metro, IIRC.  They sidestepped questions about 
the battery, but some EV detective dug out purchase records that showed 
they'd bought a bunch of Eagle-Picher silver zinc batteries.  

I don't know how many EVs BAT ever really sold.  From what I could see, they 
seemed more interested in making PR than in making EVs.  

David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
EVDL Administrator

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