I have approximately 1100 NiCad cells.  I purchased them about 10 years ago as 
military surplus.  They were used in helicopters.  The specifications are: Saft 
Model No. KO 14KH-B-1. 11 Amp-Hrs. Size: 2.25" W X 5.25" H, and 1" D.  If 
anyone needs these batteries and are willing to pay shipping, you can have 
them.  If not, I am shipping them to the recyclers next week.  In addition, I 
have the battery links.  Specifications: 1.5" L X 0.5 " W.  Ctr - Ctr hole 
spacing: 1" Holes dia: 3/16".  The links are Ni plate Cu.  If anyone needs 
these links, I will sell them for the price of cooper.

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