Hi Folks,


When I used to convert fossil fool vehicles to EV's I always ran all the
power cables down/under the right side of the car (and tied power feed
+-loops together so no EMI loops, cancelling fields), and all small signal
lines under the left side of the car (the belly pan is the RF shield).  Also
keep the PWM controller to motor cable distance *short*.  

 I could listen to AM radio without interference,- but mostly listen to NPR
news on FM J


Have a renewable energy day,




Mark E. Hanson

184 Vista Lane

Fincastle, VA 24090

540-473-1248 phone & FAX, 540-816-0812 cell

REEVA: community service RE & EV project club

Website: www.REEVAdiy.org (See Project Gallery)

UL Certified PV Installer

My RE&EV Circuits: www.EVDL.org/lib/mh 

FREE Solar EV Charging! ; http://www.WeatherLink.com/user/MarkHansonREEVA 


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