Thanks for your thoughts Ross.  I guess I didn't make myself clear.  That is 
for the headlight circuit. That circuit shows 18vdc.  When the bulb is deleted 
from the circuit the light in the switch illuminates. The tail light is bright. 
 The bike is getting full 24vdc. Need dry weather to really test it.  Is there 
a drop in led bulb replacement? Lawrence Rhodes

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  On Thu, Jan 17, 2019 at 4:06 PM, Ross<> wrote:   Hi 
Bass,The discharge curves are different btw Lead and Lithium.The Capacity Gauge 
on the eGo is a Voltmeter.With Lead Acid batteries, the Voltage is a useful 
indicator of State Of Charge(SOC). Over the useful charge, the voltage will 
decrease in direct relation to SOC.With Lithium, a Voltmeter is NOT a useful 
SOC indicator.With Lithium batteries, the Voltage remains high until the 
battery is near to complete discharge.With your Lithium batteries showing only 
18V, the eGo thinks(Voltmeter shows) your battery is dead, as 20V on two 
lead-acid batteries would be equal to discharged batteries. For a "12V" 
Battery, "dead" is considered 10V.Sounds as though your Lithium Batteries 
were/are not fully charged if only showing 18V for a pair.Full Charge should be 
24-28V for two 12V Modules.
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